Benefits Fair and Wellness Screenings in Trutter Center

Stop by the Benefits Fair in the Trutter Center this morning! From 7-11:30 a.m., employees have an opportunity to interact with various benefit providers for the college who will be on-hand to answer your questions.  Benefits fair attendees will be eligible to participate in a drawing for prizes!

Also this morning, benefit-eligible employees have the opportunity to participate in wellness-screenings and a flu shot clinic, free of charge to those currently enrolled in an LLCC health insurance plan.  Employees completing the screening will recieve a $50 Visa gift card! For those benefit-eligible employees who are unable to attend on Oct. 11, but wish to participate and qualify for the gift card, please contact Nicole Ralph at

Opening Reception for LLCC’s On My Own Time Exhibit – Fri., Oct. 14

OMOT logoLLCC’s in-house OMOT exhibit will be Fri., Oct. 14-26 in Menard Hall, Student Services Atrium. The opening reception will be Friday, Oct. 14, 3-4:30. Light refreshments will be served.

Be sure to stop by the exhibit and vote for your favorite piece for LLCC’s People’s Choice award. The winning artist will receive a $50 Visa gift card courtesy of the Trutter Museum. Voting will conclude at the end of the in-house exhibit.

Springfield Area Arts Council’s OMOT program provides an opportunity for LLCC employees to display original art that has been created outside the office. Judges for the city-wide exhibit will be provided by the Springfield Area Arts Council during Oct. 17-21. The first place awards from each in-house exhibit will be displayed in the city-wide exhibit at the Springfield Art Association (SAA), 700 North Fourth Street, from December 2-21. The city-wide awards, as well as the best of show award will be announced at a reception at the SAA for all OMOT participants to be held on December 6, from 6-8 p.m.

Contact Misty Hagstrom at 786.2466 or with questions.

Campus Visit Day a success! Thank you!

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A sincere thank you to all who helped make the Fall 2016 Campus Visit Day a great success. Whether you participated at the event, helped with setup or teardown or provided other needed services, we greatly appreciate your support with this significant recruitment event. We had over 300 visitors to campus between the morning and evening sessions, with almost half of those being prospective students!
The Public Relations and Marketing staff

In the News

Keri Mason, director, LLCC-Jacksonville, and student Diamond Long were interviewed for a story entitled LLCC students share culture, heritage in the Jacksonville Journal-Courier about the Multicultural Fest held there Oct. 5.

Chris McDonald, Ph.D., professor of political science, was interviewed on WTAX Oct. 10 and gave analysis of the Oct. 9 presidential debate. Hear the interview.

 Janet Semanik, development specialist, Foundation, was interviewed for an Illinois Times article about the new Trutter Museum exhibit, “Trutter: Black and White.”

Today is Campus Visit Day!

Today, Oct. 10, is the fall Campus Visit Day from 9-11:30 a.m. and 5-7:30 p.m. Presentations will take place in the Student Union and informational booths and tours are in the Commons and Workforce Careers Center. Please help us welcome these prospective students and family members to campus!

Wellness Screenings, Benefits Fair & Flu Shot Clinic tomorrow

Tomorrow, Oct. 11 from 7-11:30 a.m., LLCC will once again be offering benefit-eligible employees and their spouses the opportunity to participate in a wellness screening and flu shot clinic in the Trutter Center.  To participate, view the screening guide for detailed instructions to register.  The screening and flu shot is free to benefit-eligible employees and their spouses who are currently enrolled in an LLCC health insurance plan.  For those who are not on LLCC’s health insurance, you may still participate, but you will be responsible for the cost of the screening and flu shot.

Employees who fully participate in the wellness screening (biometric screening AND online health risk assessment questionnaire) will receive a $50 Visa gift card!

We will also be sponsoring a benefits fair in the Trutter Center, giving employees an opportunity to interact with various benefit providers who will be on-hand to answer your questions.  Benefits fair attendees will be eligible to participate in a drawing for prizes!

For those benefit-eligible employees who are unable to attend on Oct. 11, but wish to participate and qualify for the gift card, please contact Nicole Ralph at

Posted in HR |

SURS Counselor on campus Nov. 16

SURS will offer one-on-one retirement counseling appointments on campus Nov. 16.  If you are within four years of retirement eligibility and have not met with SURS in the past 12 months, you can contact SURS to schedule an appointment.  Please follow the attached instructions: Scheduling your SURS appointment. Only 4 slots remain! Deadline to sign up is Oct. 14.

If you do not qualify for a one-on-one appointment, you will have other opportunities to ask questions this fall.  SURS will be present on campus during the upcoming Benefits Fair (Oct. 11) and the fall Professional Development Day (Nov. 1).

Posted in HR |

Domestic Violence Prevalence and Awareness

While awareness of intimate partner violence is growing, the topic continues to be viewed by many as taboo. Awareness of just how prevalent domestic violence is an important step toward rousing support and action for widespread change and prevention.

National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey data reports that on average, 24 people per minute are victims of rape, physical violence, or stalking by an intimate partner in the US. This means that over the course of LLCC’s 2016-17 academic year, 9,123,840 women and men will experience domestic violence. 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men are the victims of severe physical violence by an intimate partner violence at some point in their lifetime.

Despite its prevalence, the patterns of domestic violence are not fully understood by many bystanders. A 2006 survey reports that approximately 2/3 of Americans say it is hard to determine whether someone has been a victim of domestic abuse. Moreover, more than 90% of Americans fail to define repeated emotional, verbal, sexual abuse and controlling behaviors as patterns of domestic violence and abuse. In this same survey, more than half of Americans (54%) say they may have been in situations where they believed domestic violence had occurred, but they didn’t act because they were uncertain and didn’t know what to do. Without awareness of the pervasiveness of intimate partner violence and its signs, victims and bystanders struggle to fight against the patterns of abuse that millions experience every year.

Throughout the month of October, look for our “See the Signs” campaign. Posters around campus, made by Thom Whalen’s graphic design students, display different signs that bystanders may notice in a loved one who is a victim of domestic violence. Through education and observation, we can be a part of the change.

For more information on domestic violence and resources for help, visit LLCC’s Sexual Violence Resources Webpage.

TODAY: Institutional Improvement Day

Join us at 8:30 a.m. today in Cass Gymnasium for Institutional Improvement Day! Our focus today is the development of the college’s next five-year Strategic Plan.  The morning session will begin promptly, so please arrive prior to start time in order to be situated before the morning’s activities begin. Everyone will be seated at an assigned table with other members from their college department. View table assignments.

A reminder that no refreshments are being provided during the morning session. Feel free to bring your own drink or snack with you to the session. Lunch will be provided at noon.


Posted in IID |