PTK on the road to Five Star Chapter Status

Lincoln Land Community College Phi Theta Kappa Society. LLCC.LLCC’s chapter of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society recently completed all the requirements for Five Star Chapter status, the highest level of recognition, for the 12th year in a row. Requirements include participation of the chapter in regional events, student and advisor professional development, recruitment activities, and completion of two service projects — one to benefit the college and one to benefit the community. These projects are developed, planned and implemented by chapter officers and members.

The “College Project,” “PTK Expression Expo” took place in March 2024 and included a weeklong series of mindfulness activities including a Craft Fair, Movie Night, Nature Walk, Game Day, and a Meditation Session hosted by Dr. Deborah Brothers. The events took place just before midterms to help students de-stress.

The “Honors in Action” community service project took place in November and December 2024 and is ongoing in 2025. “The Living Legacies Project” was a collaboration between PTK and the Black Student Union. PTK members worked with the BSU to create interview questions, then interviewed BSU members about their experiences as members of the Black community in Springfield. Following the trial interviews in December, PTK plans to expand this project to the larger Springfield community and create a YouTube channel to host the interviews as their Honors in Action Project in 2025.

The advisors for LLCC’s Phi Theta Kappa chapter are Gillian Bauer, professor of English, and Ryan Roberts, professor librarian.

Save the date: Student Recognition Ceremony 2025

Each year the college takes an evening to recognize the valuable contributions of our students during the LLCC Student Recognition Ceremony. Academic and leadership awards will be given, in addition to special awards. The 2025 ceremony will be held on Monday, April 28 at 6 p.m. in the Menard Student Union. More information about submitting honorees will be shared at a later date but please mark your calendars to celebrate together! If you have any questions, please email

Thank you to Welcome Week volunteers!

New LLCC thank you card.LLCC Student Life Office is grateful to everyone who helped us during the January welcome events! We would not have been able to serve up all of the food, crafts, and games without you. And students wouldn’t have felt nearly as much positive energy and excitement kicking off the semester!

Thanks to those who emailed with offers to help and those who jumped in when you were walking by and saw a need. This is truly a giving community! Although many more volunteered in various ways, Student Life would like to extend a special thanks to: Sarah Beggs, Mackenzie Bryant, Lisa Clanton, Kathi Frieden, Angela Try, Amanda Turner, and Kim Williams-Wilson


Impact Life logo

Thank you for your support of the most recent blood drive!. We exceeded our collection goal by 1 donation…each one counted!

  • 20 donors presented to give
  • 17 whole blood units collected
  • 2 red cell donations collected (1 double red donor)
  • 3 first time donors with Impact Life (a special thanks to these donors!)
  • Potentially 53 lives that will be saved with the donations collected

Everyone at Impact Life and in LLCC Student Life appreciate your generosity and caring spirit!

Mark your calendars and plan to donate at the next LLCC drive on Wednesday, March 19, 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m., A. Lincoln Commons. It’s right after our break so sign up now and receive a reminder beforehand. Then you won’t forget to register while you’re away!


Dane Foster and Olivia Marchizza, the 2024 LLCC Homecoming Royals.Homecoming is in February and that means announcing Homecoming Royals too! Your help in nominating outstanding student leaders is much appreciated. Faculty, staff, and students can nominate current LLCC students via an online form. Nominations are due by noon on Tuesday, Feb. 11. Voting will take place Feb. 17-19 with the announcement made during the Homecoming games on Wednesday, Feb. 19.
To be considered as a Homecoming Royal, a person must:

  • Be nominated by a student, faculty, or staff member.
  • Be a current student at LLCC enrolled in at least six credit hours for the spring 2024 semester.
  • Have a 2.0 or higher cumulative GPA.
  • Be in good standing with LLCC.
  • Be available to attend the homecoming games on Wednesday, Feb. 19 starting at 5:30 p.m.
  • By using the phrase “Homecoming Royal,” LLCC Student Life wishes to be gender neutral.

Questions can be emailed to the Student Life Office. Thank you for helping us recognize our amazing students!

2018 LLCC Homecoming king and queen (nate Mayfield and Ocean Boggs)2020 Homecoming court

Welcome Week event

Linc standing on a wood floor near a brick wall and glassed office spaceLLCC Student Life and the Logger Activities Board have a full two weeks of welcome events scheduled and would like assistance spreading the word to students. Stop by to check them out too! If you are really excited about one (or more) and want to volunteer, please email Student Life. More hands make light work!

All events will be held in A. Lincoln Commons while supplies last.

What’s My Cup of Tea?

Thursday, Jan. 23, 10:45 a.m.-1 p.m.
Make new friends, find a club to join and learn about other local attractions while enjoying a cup of hot tea, an iced tea or a scone.

Today’s Welcome Week events

Linc standing on a wood floor near a brick wall and glassed office spaceLLCC Student Life and the Logger Activities Board have a full two weeks of welcome events scheduled and would like assistance spreading the word to students. Stop by to check them out too! If you are really excited about one (or more) and want to volunteer, please email Student Life. More hands make light work!

All events will be held in A. Lincoln Commons while supplies last.

Impact Life Blood Drive

Wednesday, Jan. 22, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. (Rotunda)
Help save lives by donating blood during National Blood Donor Month. Walk-ins are accepted but appointments are encouraged. Sign up online.

Grocery Bingo

Wednesday, Jan. 22, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. (Lounge)
Each round of bingo will end with someone winning food, toiletries or cleaning supplies. Something to use right away!

What’s My Cup of Tea?

Thursday, Jan. 23, 10:45 a.m.-1 p.m.
Make new friends, find a club to join and learn about other local attractions while enjoying a cup of hot tea, an iced tea or a scone.