Lit Fest 2024

2024 Lit Fest. A blue graphic with a rainbow quill pen.LLCC English and Humanities planned two weeks worth of activities to recognize Banned Books Week, Sept. 22-28 and October’s National Book Month. Upcoming activities yet this week include:

Tuesday, Oct. 2

  • 1-2:30 p.m. – Writing Activities for Playwrights in Millennium Center, Room 2203.

Wednesday, Oct. 3

  • 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. – Meditating and Writing in the Robert H. Stephens Room.
  • 2-3:30 p.m. – TikTok Spoken Word Sensation Brooke Gerbers @bthe.poet with Dr. Karen Eileen Sisk in A. Lincoln Commons

PTK Blood Stem Cell & Bone Marrow Donor Registry Drive

In partnership with NMDP, the National Marrow Donor Program, Phi Theta Kappa’s blood stem cell and bone marrow donor registry drive continues through today, Oct. 2. Just a simple cheek swab can add someone to the national registry and potentially save a life!

Every year, 18,000 patients are diagnosed with life-threatening blood cancers or other blood disorders that could be cured or treated with a blood stem cell transplant. 70% don’t have a fully matched donor in their family.

Potential donors should be:

  • Between the ages of 18 and 40
  • A resident of the United States or one of its territories or freely associated states
  • Able to meet medical guidelines, which will be determined through a brief, private survey

The drive is being held in A. Lincoln Commons today, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Please encourage your students to register or register yourself. The process takes only about 10 minutes.

Learn more on the NMDP website.


As Halloween approaches, the LLCC Honors Program is hosting a costume donation drive to support those in need within our local community! Everyone is invited to participate in this special fundraiser by donating old or gently used Halloween costumes or costume accessories. All donations will be given to a local elementary school!Three kids in Halloween costumes

How You Can Help

  • Donate your costumes: If you have costumes, masks, hats, or other accessories from past Halloweens that are no longer in use, consider donating them. Kids’ costumes, adult costumes or even costume parts are all welcome!
  • Spread the word: Share this with your friends and family and encourage them to join in too. The more costumes we collect, the more we can support our community.

Drop-Off Information:

  • Donations can be dropped off in A. Lincoln Commons in Menard Hall yet today, Oct. 2, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Apple cider provided for those donating.
  • There will be collection boxes located in Sangamon Hall, Office 2312 as well as outside the Honors Lounge in Menard Hall, 2238.

Institutional Improvement Day, Oct. 4

Friday, Oct. 4, is Institutional Improvement Day. All offices will be closed and no classes will be held. Departments will be undertaking focused activities organized by their supervisors.

Posted in IID |

RECIPE FOR CYBERSECURITY: Recognizing and Reporting Phishing

Recipe for CybersecurityDon’t Get Burned by Scam Emails

Phishing makes up 44% of social engineering incidents, and 98% of phishing incidents are via email. But it isn’t enough to simply know that phishing emails are out there; you also need to be able to recognize and report them. Here are some chef tips on how to clearly spot a fake phishing email so you don’t get burned:
  • Emails that contain an offer that’s too good to be true
  • Language that’s urgent, alarming, or threatening
  • Poorly-crafted writing with misspellings and bad grammar
  • Greetings that are ambiguous or very generic
  • Requests to send personal information
  • Urgency to click on unfamiliar hyperlinks or attachment
  • Strange or abrupt corporate communications
  • Sending email address doesn’t match the company it’s coming from

When you smell phish, report it immediately – or you might get burned. Report it to the LLCC Help Desk. Read more about Cybersecurity.

Look for this week’s Recipe for Cybersecurity poster on bulletin boards around campus. Thank you for being the key ingredient in our recipe for cybersecurity success!

Recognition event for Hospital Sisters Mission

LLCC Health Professions hosted a thank you luncheon and tour for Hospital Sisters Mission Outreach on Friday. In attendance were Erica Smith, executive director; Nick Amdor, warehouse supervisor; Vicki Detmers, recipient services and operations manager; and Darin Gardner, operations specialist. Hospital Sisters Mission Outreach recently partnered with LLCC to provide an estimated value of approximately $125,000 in supplies, such as gloves, syringes, IV tubing and more, for student training in health professions programs.

Founded in 2002 by the Hospital Sisters of St. Francis, Mission Outreach exists to improve the health and wellness of people across the globe through the responsible donation of medical supplies, equipment and support services. They collaborate with multiple health care facilities nationwide that donate supplies that can no longer be used for various reasons. They serve multiple countries and partners overseas, but not all the supplies they obtain can be used (i.e., if supplies cannot pass through customs or the shelf life is about to expire).

As an educational organization, LLCC requires such supplies to prepare students for clinicals, provide them with hands-on experience and demonstrate the correct way to administer and perform essential skills. The college received the first shipment of supplies that would have otherwise been discarded in May 2024. Pallets filled with sterile, surgical, and standard gloves in every size; trach care kits; supplies to start IVs; Foley catheters; IV fluids; sharps containers; cleaning supplies; needles and syringes to administer medication; and more were delivered.

A group of people standing in the simulted operating room at LLCC.



Photos of people on a tour of the LLCC health professions simulation lab.

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

Every1 knows Some1. Domestic Violence Awareness MonthThis month, LLCC is partnering with Sojourn Shelter & Services, Crisis Center Foundation and the national #Every1KnowsSome1 campaign, which emphasizes that everyone knows someone affected by domestic violence, whether they realize it or not.

Domestic violence affects people from all walks of life, regardless of gender, orientation, socioeconomic status, age, race or nationality. High rates of domestic violence are not private, individual problems; they require community solutions and systems change.

We all have a part in stopping it. The first step is recognizing what domestic violence is and saying something if you see it happening. By acknowledging this reality and standing together as a united front, we can address the root causes of domestic violence and create safe communities where everyone can thrive.

Upcoming Campus Domestic Violence Awareness Events

  • Oct. 1-4 – Silent Witness Display – Jacksonville Outreach Center.
  • Oct. 1 – Silent Witness Display – Taylorville Outreach Center, 12-2:30 p.m.
  • Oct. 2 – Silent Witness Display – Litchfield Outreach Center, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
  • Oct. 17 – Purple Thursday – Springfield campus, A. Lincoln Commons
  • Oct. 21 & 23 – Silent Witness Display – Springfield campus, A. Lincoln Commons, 9 a.m.-2 p.m.

Contact Shelley Vaughan, compliance and prevention coordinator, with any questions, 217-786-3682.

Upcoming opportunities from HR

Walktober starts today

Looking to increase your physical activity levels but don’t where to start? Join the Walktober Walking Challenge! Email your team information to Rachel Duff to register.

No team? No problem! If you’re eager to participate, simply reach out, and we will be happy to place you with an existing team. This is a great way to meet new colleagues and stay motivated throughout the challenge. Or, if you prefer to go solo, you can join as an independent participate and still track your progress. Register today!

“Finding Joy in Your Work” Oct. 15

LLCC Human Resources is offering a session titled “Finding Joy in Your Work” with David Ziebler on Tuesday, Oct. 15, 10 a.m. Attendees will explore the keys to rediscovering joy and fulfillment in their professional lives. Whether you’re feeling burnt out, disengaged or simply looking for ways to enhance your work experience, this training will provide actionable strategies to reconnect with the passion and purpose behind your daily tasks. Complete session details can be found on the HR Portal page. To register for the session, email Kirsten Taylor.

Posted in HR |

“Stop the Bleed” Training

LLCC Health Professions is offering two “Stop the Bleed” sessions on Oct. 4 from 9:30-10:30 a.m. or 1-2 p.m. in Logan Hall, Room 1112. The class will cover how and when to manage life altering bleeding as well as time to practice the skills presented. This training goes hand in hand with the “Stop the Bleed” kits that have been added to all the AED locations across the campus and outreach centers. Space is limited. To sign up, email Nick Ferreira. Walk-ins are also welcome, as space allows.