Multicultural Fest Oct. 2–still in need of a few volunteers!

The 10th annual Multicultural Fest is this Wednesday, Oct. 2 outside the A. Lincoln Commons and is scheduled over two time slots, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. and 4-6 p.m.  Entertainment includes local artists as well as Xperimento, a Florida-based nationally touring multicultural band, performing from 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m.  A 10th anniversary commemoration will follow. A few volunteers are still needed for various jobs. To sign up, please visit this page and scroll to the right to see all time slots.  If you are unable to volunteer, we hope you are able to stop by and enjoy the festivities!

Campus Wildlife

9-25 JvGoldfinch 9-25 Monarch9-26lunch-2 9-26lunch-11 9-26lunch-4

Thank you to Dr. Chris McDonald, professor of political science, for sharing these photos recently captured in LLCC’s Prairie Restoration area.


Faculty blog established

The Faculty Workgroup of the Professional Development Team has designed a blog to share information pertaining to learning, teaching and the way social issues can affect teaching and student learning. You are invited and encouraged to visit the blog and participate in the idea exchange topics. No login is needed to read the postings, and faculty will be able to make comments after they create a WordPress account.

Here is the address:

Board of Trustees approves balanced budget following public hearing

The Lincoln Land Community College Board of Trustees Wednesday night approved a balanced fiscal year 2014 operating budget for the college. Revenues match expenditures of $42,396,712.

Board Chair Justin Reichert commended college leadership for consistently producing balanced budgets.

The tentative budget was put on file for public review in late July. The Board held a public hearing on the budget at the beginning of last night’s meeting. There were no public comments.

Latest Campus Security Report Available

The LLCC Annual Campus Crime Report, which contains valuable information regarding campus safety at the College, as well as our crime statistics for the last three years, is available at the following web address:

In addition, you can obtain a hard copy of the report from the campus Police Department, located on the upper level of Sangamon Hall South.

In the News

Rich Vertrees, vice president of administrative services, was interviewed Sept. 26 by WTAX Radio on the college’s balanced budget.

In the community

Nancy Sweet, culinary operations manager and Jay Kitterman, director of LLCC’s Culinary Institute and special events, presented to a group of 125 members of the Retired State Employees Association Tuesday. Nancy and Jay spoke about LLCC’s culinary credit and non-credit classes and programs. Nancy also demonstrated several ways to make healthy, simple and tasty dishes using chicken breasts.

In the News

Mary Beth Ray, director, Career Development Services, was interviewed by WICS Sept. 24 on tips for job seekers. Here is the story which ran on the Sunrise show, in advance of the Greater Springfield Job & Career Fair. Lynn Whalen, executive director, PRM, also interviewed Mary Beth and LLCC grad Holly Cormier for this article which ran in the SJ-R Sept. 24.

Condolences to Deb Wehner

Ralph White, father of Deb Wehner, adjunct instructor for the Business and Technologies department, passed away Sunday, Sept. 22. Information about funeral arrangements is available HERE.