Congratulations Britta Lothary!


Congratulations to Britta Lothary, nursing instructor, on the birth of her baby girl, Samantha Emerson Lothary. She was born on the morning of March 18 – 6lb 8.5 ounces and 20 inches long.

Congratulations to Quiz Bowl Team

The Lincoln Land Community College Quiz Bowl team competed in the National Academic Quiz Tournaments community college championship on Feb. 26-27 in Atlanta, Ga. This was the fifth straight year that the LLCC team qualified for the national tournament.

The LLCC Loggers won four matches and finished 15th in the competition. Gina Suszko of Springfield (lieutenant captain) placed 15th individually out of 102 participants and received a tournament All-Star award.

Other members of the LLCC team are Jacob Montgomery of Athens (captain); Ashley Fields of Springfield; Eric Gray of Sherman; and Catherine Wittler of Williamsville.

The team is coached by LLCC professor Gregory Snyder of Springfield.

Ribbon cutting for new bird banding station

Biology students conduct research in new structure built by construction trades students

(Click HERE for a short video of the ribbon cuttig ceremony and demonstration.)

Ribbon cutting Rothering, Kleen, Roehrs, ShackelfordLincoln Land Community College cut the ribbon yesterday on a new structure that will house the college’s bird banding research program. In cooperation with the Lincoln Land Association of Bird Banders, LLCC biology students participate in the capture, banding and release of birds, recording information which is added to a massive data pool on bird migration patterns.

The 36’ by 24’ building with a porch and overhang was built by LLCC construction trades students, a program funded through the Illinois Department of Transportation.

Cutting the ribbon were LLCC Trustee and Board Secretary Dennis Shackelford, LLCC Biology Professor Tony Rothering, Lincoln Land Association of Bird Banders (LLABB) President Vern Kleen, and LLCC bird banding student Lizzie Roehrs.

Bird banding Rothering, Roehrs

Professor Rothering and Mr. Kleen began the program in fall of 2012 on the northeast edge of the LLCC campus and to date, approximately 11,000 birds representing 113 species have been banded. LLABB members, school groups and organizations also participate in banding activities. Until the new structure was built, all bird banding took place outside and was cancelled during inclement weather. Banders can now do research inside when needed during the fall and spring banding seasons.

Speaking at the ribbon cutting, Rothering thanked the LLCC Board of Trustees, college administrators, LLABB and the construction trades program for support on the project. He noted the significance of the collected data on international weather and climate change research.

“The LLCC bird banding station provides students with a practical scientific experience outside of the classroom,” said Rothering. “Our hands-on approach allows students to appreciate the biological importance of studying bird population and migration patterns and how they relate to the greater ecological world.”


In the News

Tony Rothering, professor of biology; Tom Spears, workforce development program coordinator; and Lizzie Roehrs, LLCC student, were interviewed by the State Journal-Register and WICS at the bird banding ribbon cutting ceremony March 22.

Upcoming Student Club Events

The LLCC Choir is sponsoring a Jeans Day on Thursday, April 7, 2016. Bring your $5 to the Student Life Office. All funds raised will benefit the choir.

Also, the Epicurean Club will be having a Stocks, Soups, & Sauces Sale on April 7 from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. at Bistro Verde.

Plan to participate in the Edible Book Festival April 12!

Charlotte's Web: The LLCC Library Edible Book Festival, in celebration of National Library Week, is fast approaching—Tuesday, April 12. Bring out your talented, silly, imaginative, punny, creative side and create an edible creation that represents a book. After the voting/judging, everyone is invited to taste the creations. Edible Books can be dropped off any time after 7:30 a.m. Books are on display and voting is 11-noon.  We’ll announce the winners at noon, then eat the books!

RSVP is not required but welcomed for planning purposes: Contact Leslie Rios, faculty librarian, associate professor at or 786.4617.

Want to see some of the Edible Books our very own LLCC crew has created over the years? Check them out here:

Congratulations to LLCC Agriculture Club

PAS NationalsFive members of the LLCC Agriculture Club participated in the 2016 National Post-secondary Agriculture Student (PAS) Conference, held last week in Kansas City, Mo. PAS is a national organization designed to develop leadership and career success for students studying agriculture at the college level. The students attended workshops, leadership and career planning meetings, and competed in a number of events. To earn the right to participate, the LLCC Soils team placed first at the Illinois contest in November. The LLCC College Bowl team placed 4th at the state event, which qualified them for the 32 team tournament. The College Bowl team, with members Jake Montgomery (Athens) and Mitchell Hinds (Mt. Pulaski) finished with a 4-2 record, for a top six finish. They had to answer questions on a variety of agriculture topics in a quiz bowl format.  The LLCC Soil Specialist team of Derek Skinner (Loami), Darian Norville (Taylorville), and Kendall Crawford (Raymond) won 3rd place in their event. Skinner was the first place individual overall. The team was tested over their general soils knowledge, identifying soil traits from a core, and solving conservation and management problems as a team.