Five members of the LLCC Agriculture Club participated in the 2016 National Post-secondary Agriculture Student (PAS) Conference, held last week in Kansas City, Mo. PAS is a national organization designed to develop leadership and career success for students studying agriculture at the college level. The students attended workshops, leadership and career planning meetings, and competed in a number of events. To earn the right to participate, the LLCC Soils team placed first at the Illinois contest in November. The LLCC College Bowl team placed 4th at the state event, which qualified them for the 32 team tournament. The College Bowl team, with members Jake Montgomery (Athens) and Mitchell Hinds (Mt. Pulaski) finished with a 4-2 record, for a top six finish. They had to answer questions on a variety of agriculture topics in a quiz bowl format. The LLCC Soil Specialist team of Derek Skinner (Loami), Darian Norville (Taylorville), and Kendall Crawford (Raymond) won 3rd place in their event. Skinner was the first place individual overall. The team was tested over their general soils knowledge, identifying soil traits from a core, and solving conservation and management problems as a team.