Nancy Sweet, dean, Workforce Institute at LLCC, wrote the essay “Line Worker Rodeo and Career Expo highlight jobs in the trades.” for the State Journal-Register Sept. 18. The essay highlights the upcoming Line Worker Rodeo and Career Expo Sept. 28.
Jamil Steele, director, adult education and literacy, was interviewed Friday, Sept. 16, by WTAX about Adult Education and Family Literacy Week and the need for and value of literacy volunteers.
Tisha Miller, enrollment coordinator, LLCC-Taylorville and Litchfield, was interviewed Sept. 16 for the Friday Night Rivals football game featuring Taylorville and Mt. Zion High Schools and broadcast on The CW23.
Ron Riggle, athletic director and head baseball coach, was interviewed for a story in the State Journal-Register sports section Sept. 15 about the passing of Dick Dhabalt, LLCC’s first athletic director, coach and a founding faculty member. Also interviewed for the story were Claude Kracik, who succeeded Dhabalt as baseball coach, and former baseball players Rick Montooth and Brian Pesko.
He was also interviewed Wednesday by the Philadelphia Inquirer regarding former LLCC Logger Nick Maton who now plays for the Philadelphia Phillies.
Dr. Natasha Casey, assistant professor of communication, has had her research published in two recent books by Routledge:
“Media Literacy and Social Justice: Connections, Fissures, and the Future” (with co-author Spencer Brayton, Waubonsee Community College) in Media Literacy, Equity, and Justice (Belinha S. DeAbreu, editor)
Mac Warren, assistant director, recruitment and response, was interviewed during the Sept. 9 Friday Night Rivals football broadcast on CW23. The game featured Olympia High School at Athens. This Friday, Tisha Miller, enrollment coordinator, LLCC-Taylorville and Litchfield, will be interviewed during the second quarter of the Mt. Zion at Taylorville game.
Jolene Lamb, LLCC Community Education culinary coordinator, wrote today’s Epicuriosity 101 column in the State Journal-Register, “Fall recipes bring the season home.”
Officials of LLCC signed an agreement last week with the Prairie Center Against Sexual Assault (PCASA) to provide confidential advisors to any students in need of these services. Per state statute, all Illinois colleges and universities are required to have confidential advisors and other resources in place.
PCASA will offer confidential support for any student who has ever experienced sexual misconduct, domestic or dating violence or stalking. Confidential advisors will assist students with information on reporting to law enforcement agencies, seeking emergency medical treatment, campus and community support services while protecting the student’s privacy and rights under the law.
Shelley Vaughan, associate director for prevention and outreach at PCASA, commented, “We are pleased to partner with LLCC in this endeavor and continue our longstanding partnership to offer our services and support to LLCC students.”
“I want to extend my thanks to Ms. Vaughn and our colleagues at PCASA for making this agreement possible,” said Kelli Sinclair, LLCC vice president of student services. “Our partnerships and relationships with local community agencies like PCASA are integral to our success at LLCC. In this case, PCASA’s ability to serve in the ‘confidential advisor’ capacity at LLCC helps us keep the safe and healthy learning environment we have for students. We are grateful for their expertise and support.”
All services to students provided by PCASA will be within the guidelines of the Preventing Sexual Violence in Higher Education Act. Students seeking more information may contact Nikki Baker, LLCC compliance and prevention coordinator, at 217-786-3426 or
Kim Wilson, recruitment specialist, PRM, was interviewed yesterday by WICS/FOX/CW23 for broadcast tonight in the Friday Night Rivals high school football game featuring Lanphier and Jacksonville and broadcast on CW23. She discussed the upcoming Campus Visit Day and eight-week classes. The interview is scheduled to run in the second quarter of the game. LLCC is the educator sponsor of Friday Night Rivals.
Mackenzie Bryant, recruitment specialist, was interviewed by WICS/CW23 during the broadcast of the first 2022 Friday Night Rivals game between Pleasant Plains and Maroa-Forsyth. She spoke about the start of the fall semester and opportunities to enroll in eight-week classes that begin Oct. 17. LLCC is the educator sponsor of Friday Night Lights, and recruitment staff will be interviewed during the second quarter of each game. They will also have a display table with promotional items at each game.