In the news

Jolene Lamb, director, LLCC Community Education, was interviewed on WTAX Monday morning about the second “Arts for ALL” presentation taking place today, Oct. 2, 1-2 p.m. in the Trutter Center. Dorothy Paige Turner and Joel Ross, nationally known singer-songwriters and educators from Rockford, will feature musical selections from the “Great American Songbook.” Through song and narrative, the artists explore the roots of jazz among enslaved Africans who brought their field hollers, work songs and spirituals to this uniquely American art form. Ross will also demonstrate the evolution of Ragtime and stride piano. Each event will include a post-performance Q&A session hosted by Jim Leach.

Jay Kitterman, culinary and special events coordinator, authored this weeks Epicuriosity 101,”A good, sweet year,” in the State Journal-Register.

In the news

Sheridan Lane, director, culinary and hospitality programs, dives into the culinary influence of Hispanic and Latino impressions on modern day cuisine during Hispanic Heritage Month in this week’s Epicuriosity column for the Springfield State Journal-Register.

Jolene Lamb, director, community education was interviewed by WCIA for a segment on the morning news called Community College Connection. Lamb was discussing the Academy of Lifelong Learning.

In the News

Dave Cox, professor, biology, was in the news for LLCC’s annual honey harvest on Sept. 10. Dave was interviewed for WTAX and WFMB radio stations. WICS Newschannel 20 also covered the honey harvest on Tuesday.

Jolene Lamb, director, LLCC Community Education, was interviewed on WICS yesterday morning about the Academy of Lifelong Learning and the opportunities it offers those 50 and greater. Members enjoy access to 12-15 monthly programs and special interest groups encompassing a wide array of activities from learning to play Mahjongg to social events featuring guest speakers. They also explore our community through taking local tours and day trips, playing golf and learning about history, technology and other topics of interest. Learn more online.

If your garden is overflowing with late summer produce, a great option is to freeze it. Channing Fullaway-Johnson, culinary coordinator, community education explains the best way to prep veggies for feezing, in this week’s Epicuriosity 101 column for the State Journal-Register.

LLCC at state fair

Illinois State Fair, Aug. 8-18, 2024.LLCC will be at the Illinois State Fair! The college will be in the Illinois Community College Board (ICCB) tent (off Brian Raney Ave., near Lincoln Stage) on four days to share information on the wide array of educational opportunities available from LLCC and other Illinois community colleges. Representatives from LLCC Recruitment and Admissions and academic departments will be on hand with interactive activities and to talk with fairgoers.

  • Friday, Aug. 9 – Natural and Agricultural Sciences
  • Saturday, Aug. 10 – Community Education
  • Wednesday, Aug. 14 – Workforce Institute
  • Friday, Aug. 16 – Health Professions

Jay Kitterman, culinary and special events consultant, will be judging the Blue Ribbon Pie Contest once again at the state fair. Channing Fullaway-Johnson will be judging charcuterie on Saturday, Aug. 10.

The LLCC Ag Club will be helping out at the Pork Patio on Saturday, Aug. 17.

2024 Peaceful Partners, Illinois Domestic Violence Conference is Sept. 13

Financial abuse is one of the most powerful methods of keeping a survivor trapped in an abusive relationship. LLCC is teaming up with local, state and national organizations on a state-wide conference aimed at helping survivors and practitioners move forward with economic justice. Don’t miss hearing from Kim Pentico, senior director of economic justice and Ashley Slye, deputy director of positively safe and domestic violence counts with NNEDV, at the 2024 The Peaceful Partners, Illinois Domestic Violence Conference on Sept.13. CEUs available. Learn more and register online.