Spring 2025 Professional Development Day takes place on Tuesday, March 25, 2025. More information to come soon.
Nominate the 2025 Student Commencement Speaker
Faculty and staff,
As we prepare for the LLCC Commencement ceremonies in 2025, we are excited to begin the process of selecting our student speaker. The student speaker plays a key role in representing the voice of the graduating class, inspiring peers and celebrating the shared experience of our academic community.
We are looking for a student who exemplifies the values of LLCC — one who has shown leadership, perseverance and a commitment to personal growth. This year, we are particularly seeking a student whose journey aligns with the theme of “Change.” We are looking for someone who has experienced significant transformation in their life, whether through their academic work, connections with faculty, staff and peers, or by overcoming personal challenges. This student should have a unique perspective on how LLCC has helped shape or alter their outlook on life, their future, or their personal trajectory.
If you know a student who has demonstrated these qualities, someone who positively represents LLCC and embodies the spirit of growth and transformation, we invite you to submit a nomination for their consideration as the student speaker.
Please provide a brief rationale for your nomination, detailing how the student has embraced change and how their experiences at LLCC have impacted their path. Nominations should be submitted no later than March 22, 2025, to Gailyn Draper.
A nomination form is linked below, along with a list of graduating students for 2024-2025 school year.
Graduating Students 2025
MEMO Student Speakers APPLICATIONS 2025
If you have any questions, please reach out to Gailyn Draper at 217-786-2213 or Ashley Krzesinski at 217-786-3479.
Thank you for your time and for helping us select a student speaker who will truly represent the transformative experience of our graduates.
A Note of Thanks from Recruitment & Admissions
The Office of Recruitment & Admissions extends its gratitude to all LLCC volunteers, presenters, student panelists, exhibitors and anyone involved in our 2025 Campus Visit Day.
We cannot thank you enough for your time, dedication, passion and student-centered mindset when engaging and serving our students, guests and community members.
Without the support of each member and unit involved, this event would not be possible. Again, we thank you for your assistance and look forward to partnering with all of you for our next Campus Visit Day.
Recruitment & Admissions Office
In the news
The nostalgia of the 1990s and 2000s can be found in fashion and food these days. Sheridan Lane, director, culinary program and operations explains, that may explain the rising popularity, once again, of espresso martinis, in this week’s Epicuriosity 101 for the State Journal-Register.
If you want to pie a colleague, now is the opportunity! Several employees have signed on to take whipped cream pies to the face on April 1. Volunteered or “voluntold”?? That is the question…
Funds raised will benefit the activities of the Honors Program Student Club.
Any time this week, bring money to the LLCC Student Life office (lower level Menard Hall) and you can direct it to the employee of your choosing (or multiple!). The Honors Program Student Club will also be in A. Lincoln Commons today and tomorrow (March 6) from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. selling tickets.
The cost is $2 per ticket or five tickets for $5 (cash/check only). If $500 if raised this week, every participating employee will be pied on April 1. If that amount isn’t raised, those who raised the most will be receive the whipped cream to the face.
Participating employees are: Tim McKenzie, Gillian Bauer, Ted Babin, Crystal Norris, Beth Wiediger, Brenda Protz, Matthew Schownir, Kalith Smith, Ryan Roberts, Corinne Hinton, Kristin Booher, Kellee Phillips, Dean Butzow, Chris McDonald, Kirk Yenerall, Scott Searcy, Karen Sisk, Laurenn York, Tim Humphrey, Christina Negley, Kimberly Wilson, Alex Berry, and Rebecca Klatt.
Come cheer on the Loggers this month!
Sunday, March 9 – Loggers Baseball vs Lewis & Clark Community College at 12 & 3 p.m.
Wednesday, March 12 – Loggers Baseball vs Lake Land College at 4 p.m.
Saturday, March 15 – Loggers Baseball vs Parkland College at 12 & 3 p.m.
Thursday, March 20 – Loggers Softball vs Three Rivers College at 2 & 4 p.m.
Saturday, March 22 – Loggers Softball vs Heartland Community College at 1 & 3 p.m.
Saturday, March 22 – Loggers Baseball vs Illinois Central College at 12 & 3 p.m.
Wednesday, March 26 – Loggers Softball vs Illinois Central College at 2 & 4 p.m.
Wednesday, March 26 – Loggers Baseball vs Millikin University JV at 5 p.m.
Saturday, March 29 – Loggers Baseball vs St. Louis Community College at 1 & 4 p.m.
Sunday, March 30 – Loggers Softball vs John Wood Community College at 1 & 3 p.m.
Photos from Spring Campus Visit Day
It was great to see future Loggers at the LLCC 2025 Spring Campus Visit Day on Monday! 127 prospective students and their family/friends explored campus and learned about all LLCC has to offer.
SDS Manager Training tomorrow
LLCC is transitioning to SDS Manager, an online safety data sheet management system. Training on how to access and use the database will be provided on Wednesday, March 5, at 3:30 p.m. in Kreher Agriculture Center, Room 1115/1117. You can also attend virtually through Teams (SDS Database Training).
Anyone that uses hazardous chemicals or products is encouraged to attend. If you cannot attend in person, a video of the presentation will be made available on Environmental Health and Safety SharePoint page. If you have any questions, email Lisa Volk-Draper or call 217-786-3491.
LLCC to host Illinois Poet Laureate Angela Jackson
LLCC’s English and Humanities Department and Writing Center, in partnership with the Springfield Area Arts Council and Poetry Out Loud, will host Illinois Poet Laureate Angela Jackson on March 20 from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Writing Center.
As part of her visit, Jackson will facilitate a poetry writing workshop and speak about her life, her inspirations and her experiences as Illinois Poet Laureate. Additionally, she will read from her collections including, “It Seems Like a Mighty Long Time.”