Welcome Brianna VanMeter

Brianna VanMeterLLCC welcomes Brianna VanMeter. Brianna will serve as a post-traditional adult recruitment specialist in LLCC Recruitment and Admissions. She is an LLCC ag alum, who earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Illinois and a master’s degree from the University of Missouri. Brianna was most recently a teacher at Triopia High School where she taught science and dual credit ag. She has also taught adult education classes at LLCC-Jacksonville. You can reach Brianna at Brianna.vanmeter@llcc.edu or 217-786-2324. Welcome Brianna!

Welcome to LLCC Stephanie Wilson!

Stephanie WilsonThe LLCC Bookstore welcomes Stephanie Wilson to the team as their new webstore technician. Stephanie’s first day was Monday, June 3, the first day of summer term; talk about learning on the job! She comes to us from Illinois National Bank (INB). She is currently working on her degree from LLCC! You can reach Stephanie at stephanie.wilson@llcc.edu.

LLCC welcomes three new employees!

John Sepanski, student success coach

John Sepanski

LLCC Student Succes welcomes John Sepanski as a new student success coach. John will coach students in arts and communication as well as English and humanities. His first day was Monday, May 13. John holds a Bachelor of Science degree in mathematics from Millikin University and a master’s degree in education technology. He comes to us from the Goodwill Excel Center in St. Louis, an adult high school. You can reach John at 217-786-3686  Welcome to LLCC John!

David Miller, IT project manager

David Miller

Information Technology Services welcomes David Miller to the team. David, a new project manager, started on May 13. David brings his project management experience from the State of Illinois Department of Innovation and Technology as well as Horace Mann. You can reach David at 217-786-3684. Welcome David!

Bobbi Lettimore, administrative assistant to the dean of English and humanities

Bobbi Lettimore

Department of English and Humanities welcomes Bobbi Lettimore as the new adminstrative assistant to the Dean of English and humanities. Bobbi’s first day was May 13. She comes to us from a K-2 charter school in Colombus, Ohio. She calls Waverly home, and is an LLCC alum! you can reach Bobbi at 217-786-3688. Welcome back to LLCC Bobbi!

LLCC Human Resources Welcomes Gianna Hines

Gianna HinesGianna Hines began her new role as staff training and development coordinator on April 22.  Gianna previously worked in LLCC Financial Aid as the outreach specialist. Please reach out to Gianna if you have any training or development needs or want to learn more about what her role can provide. Gianna can be reached at 217-786-2276.

LLCC Child Development Center welcomes Abigail Guppy

Abigail GuppyThe LLCC Child Development Center welcomes Abigail Guppy as a new child development assistant. Her first day was April 15.  Abigail brings years of experience in early childhood education. She is also an LLCC alum, having graduated with her associate of arts degree in early childhood education. Welcome Abigail!

LLCC Bookstore welcomes Jennifer Smith to the team

Jennifer SmithThe LLCC Bookstore welcomes Jennifer Smith as the new course materials coordinator. Jennifer started in her role on April 8. She’s hoping every workday comes with a once-in-a-lifetime party. Jennifer comes to LLCC from SPARC extensive career experience in social work employment. Welcome Jennifer!

Welcome to LLCC Cherie Cockrell!

Cherie CockrellLLCC Facilities welcomes Cherie Cockrell who began work on March 25. Cherie comes to LLCC with years of experience in professional housekeeping. Her hometown is Rochester. She will work mainly in Montgomery Hall and the Trutter Center. Welcome to LLCC, Cherie!