In the news

Dr. Charlotte Warren, LLCC president, wrote the Oct. 1 essay in the Illinois Times, “LLCC: The place to be.”

Kristin Booher, director, student engagement, was interviewed by WAND and WICS about LLCC’s 19th annual Multicultural Fest held yesterday. The event showcased various cultures through food, entertainment and exhibits.

Mac Warren, assistant director, recruitment, was interviewed Oct. 4 for the Oct. 6 Friday Night Rivals broadcast of the football game featuring Williamsville and Maroa Forsyth.

In the news

Mackenzie Bryant, recruitment specialist, was interviewed for the Sept. 29 Friday Night Rivals broadcast on WBUI featuring SHG vs. Glenwood.

In the news

Dee Krueger, director, LLCC-Taylorville, was interviewed Thursday, Sept. 28, on the WTIM Morning Show. She discussed spring registration, the LLCC Open House, and Microsoft Office training opportunities available at LLCC-Taylorville.

In the news

Chris Russell, LLCC Police chief, and Kirk Yenerall, professor of mathematics and LLCC Games Club advisor, were interviewed by WTAX about LLCC’s cardboard boat regatta and student involvement in the event. WAND also covered the event.

Hannah Werth, head coach, volleyball and sports information specialist, was recently interviewed by the Montgomery County Journal-News about LLCC volleyball player Hailee Belsher.

In the news

Kim Wilson and Mackenzie Bryant, recruitment specialists, were interviewed as part of the LLCC education sponsorship of Friday Night Rivals football broadcasts. Kim’s live interview aired on Sept. 15 and Mackenzie’s will air Sept. 22 on WBUI. They discussed the LLCC Open House Oct. 9, Haunted House and other information about the college.