If life keeps you running, there’s no better place to slow down, than in the kitchen. In this week’s Epicuriosity 101 article, “The beauty of slow cooking,” Channing Fullaway-Johnson, culinary coordinator, LLCC Community Education, explains how slow cooking can melt away stress.
LLCC BSU students attend Black and Latinx Summit
LLCC’s BSU students attended the annual Black and Latinx Summit at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign last weekend. The summit seeks to bring students from all intersections into a shared space to learn and connect. This focus is an intentional understanding of the traumas that communities of color in the United States have faced both historically and contemporarily. It is also cognizant of the strides we take each day to heal our wounds and better prepare us for the next change in our circumstances. By creating this space, we hope others will join us in exploring the landscape of our communities and finding ways to make us stronger as a collective.
In the Community
WEI and PATH attended the One in a Million, Inc. 30th Anniversary Black History Ball on Saturday. They were a table sponsor and provided an information table for the event as well.
LLCC Board of Trustees meets Wednesday
The LLCC Board of Trustees will meet this Wednesday, Feb. 26, at 5:30 p.m. in the Robert H. Stephens Room. Read the agenda.
Campus Visit Day – Monday, March 3
We’re less than a week away to the next Campus Visit Day on March 3 from 4 to 7 p.m. LLCC Recruitment & Admissions has a full lineup planned including student panels, tours, breakout sessions and activities, plus all the great exhibit tables and faculty and staff ready to talk to prospective students and parents.
There is still time to register if you know somone interested in learning more about the programs offered at LLCC.
LLCC LEAGUE will be Hanging Ten on March 25
The LEAGUE Committee has been hard at work making plans for the upcoming kickoff of the LEAGUE campaign on Professional Development Day, Tuesday March 25. LEAGUE is an acronym for Leaders Establishing Annual Gifts Underwriting Education. It is the annual faculty and staff giving campaign, and the purpose is to raise money in support of our students and programs. Since the LEAGUE campaign began in 1995, nearly $950,000 has been donated by faculty and staff members.
This year’s theme for the campaign is surfing. The committee invites all faculty and staff to “catch the wave” and join them for lunch, entertainment and camaraderie on March 25 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
LEAGUE Surfboard Decorating Contest
Calling all surfer dudes and dudettes … or departments who just like to be creative! The LEAGUE Committee is hosting a surfboard decorating contest — not real surfboards — but cardboard cutouts. Get your team together to decorate and decorate a surfboard by March 25. There will be a prize for the most popular surfboard. For more information, email Barb Eades or call 217-786-2255.
Nominate the 2025 Student Commencement Speaker
Faculty and staff,
As we prepare for the LLCC Commencement ceremonies in 2025, we are excited to begin the process of selecting our student speaker. The student speaker plays a key role in representing the voice of the graduating class, inspiring peers and celebrating the shared experience of our academic community.
We are looking for a student who exemplifies the values of LLCC — one who has shown leadership, perseverance and a commitment to personal growth. This year, we are particularly seeking a student whose journey aligns with the theme of “Change.” We are looking for someone who has experienced significant transformation in their life, whether through their academic work, connections with faculty, staff and peers, or by overcoming personal challenges. This student should have a unique perspective on how LLCC has helped shape or alter their outlook on life, their future, or their personal trajectory.
If you know a student who has demonstrated these qualities, someone who positively represents LLCC and embodies the spirit of growth and transformation, we invite you to submit a nomination for their consideration as the student speaker.
Please provide a brief rationale for your nomination, detailing how the student has embraced change and how their experiences at LLCC have impacted their path. Nominations should be submitted no later than March 22, 2025, to Gailyn Draper.
A nomination form is linked below, along with a list of graduating students for 2024-2025 school year.
Graduating Students 2025
MEMO Student Speakers APPLICATIONS 2025
If you have any questions, please reach out to Gailyn Draper at 217-786-2213 or Ashley Krzenski at 217-786-3479.
Thank you for your time and for helping us select a student speaker who will truly represent the transformative experience of our graduates.
Become an H5P Pro with Multimedia Choice
Learn how to boost student engagement by building beautiful multiple- or single-choice questions with images and other multimedia. Join Jennifer from the H5P Core Team today, Feb. 25, from 12:30-1:30 p.m., on Zoom, to learn how to incorporate multimedia choice activities in your H5P content and Canvas pages, including how to customize the layout and choose between different aspect ratios. This hands-on workshop will allow you to experience image choice and brainstorm how you might incorporate this dynamic H5P content type into your own courses. Register for H5P wokrshop.
African-American Food and Vendor Day is Wednesday
Don’t forget some extra spending money on Wednesday, Feb. 26! Vendors will be set up in A. Lincoln Commons from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. for browsing/shopping. The University of Spa will offer free manicures and haircuts as well.
Beginning around 11 a.m. there will be food samples offered too!
If you’d like to help with any aspects of the day, please sign up to volunteer at the African-American Food and Vendor Day..
The African-American History Month Planning Committee looks forward to seeing you!
IRE open office hours today, 8:30-9:30 a.m.
Want to create a report in ZogoTech but just don’t quite remember where to start? Need a refresher on stacking filters in Navigator to get the right group of students? Have questions on a PowerBI Dashboard?
LLCC Institutional Research and Effectiveness staff are available during dedicated drop-in hours on Tuesday, 8:30-9:30 a.m. Stop by Millennium Center, Room 2215, and bring your questions or requests. We look forward to seeing you!
Those with a need to meet virtually should contact IRE for a Teams meeting link.