Save the date for a retirement reception!

Mark your calendars for a retirement farewell to end all farewells!  It is for David Laubersheimer, dean of Arts and Humanities, and Glenda Thomas, assistant to the dean of Arts and Humanities.  Their combined retirement reception is Thursday, May 15,  2-4 p.m. in the Trutter Center.  If anyone would like to contribute toward gifts, please see Vickie Ward in the Arts and Humanities office (ext. 62329).  Hope to see you there!

Prairie Burns on Springfield Campus complete

burn smallAs you may have noticed, we took advantage of a calm and sunny day on Saturday, April 5 to conduct the controlled burns to our prairies. Fire is a natural part of the ecology of native prairies and is a vital tool to the establishment and maintenance of these areas. Although at first glance the blackened ground looks barren, it absorbs sunlight, warming the soil to promote germination of the native plants. The burning also serves to discourage non-native plants and woody species that compete with the more desirable natives. It also releases and recycles nutrients that are vital to new plant growth.

The controlled burns are a coordinated effort of LLCC’s Facilities Services department, biology classes and the LLCC Environmental Club. The burns have been approved by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency.

Student Life invites you to Macaroni Soup family concert!

Join us tonight for Macaroni Soup! This FREE, high energy and super fun concert is hosted will be in the Trutter Center.  There will be pre-concert activities provided by the LLCC Child Development Center starting at 6 p.m. and the concert will begin at 6:30 p.m. “Miss Carole” Stephens of Park Ridge, IL has 7 award-winning CDs and travels the U.S. bringing her energy and enthusiasm to help everyone have a ball and sing and dance along!

Tickets can be picked up in the LLCC Student Life Office (lower level, Menard Hall). This is a Red & Blue Crew event and is sponsored by the Logger Activities Board and LLCC Child Development Center.

LLCC Honors Club off to great start with “Be A Hero Campaign” press conference

IMG_6912Lincoln Land Community College is 1 of 21 colleges participating in the Secretary of State’s “Be A Hero Campaign” to promote organ/tissue donor awareness and to increase registration in Illinois.  A press conference was held Tuesday, April 8 to promote the efforts of the LLCC Honors Club in promoting this effort.  To view photos from the event, click HERE.  For more information, visit the LLCC “Be a Hero Campaign” Facebook Page.

Campus Wildlife

Thank you to Dr. Chris McDonald for sharing these photos of the deer and ducks on campus and a sighting of American White Pelicans flying over! What welcome signs of spring!




Press conference with Jesse White, IL Secretary of State, today, 1 p.m., A. Lincoln Commons; students, faculty, staff invited!

Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White will speak on the “Be a Hero” organ donation campaign at a press conference at 1 p.m. today in A. Lincoln Commons. Several LLCC Honors students are leading a drive to register organ donors. They will be at a table with information and cookies following the press conference. Other speakers are Justin Reichert, chair of the LLCC Board of Trustees; Dr. Karen Hunter Anderson, executive director of the Illinois Community College Board; State Fire Marshal Larry Matkaitis; Natalie Sparacio, NewsChannel 20; and Tyler Matthews, LLCC “Be A Hero” participating student.

ITS Vacancy Announced

The Human Resources office is currently advertising for a Systems Administrator I.  Complete information on this position can be found on the HR Portal.

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3. “Jazzin’ It Up” concert, Legos Expo, Becky Parton, Jessica Ingold, Jay Kitterman and John Kidd are In the News

“Jazzin’ It Up with Jack and Friends,” a concert for special needs children organized by Jane Hartman and Jason Waddell, music faculty, was a rousing success Saturday morning, April 5. Children enjoyed performances by the LLCC Big Band and Stolen Moments, and played along using noisemakers and shakers. They also touched and played real band instruments at the instrument petting zoo.  Jane and Jason were interviewed by the State Journal Register and SO magazine, and Robin Ackman of the Finance Department and family were pictured in this article that ran Sunday, April 6. Click HERE for a photo album from the event!

Becky Parton, associate dean, instructional technology and distance education, wrote this essay in the State Journal-Register Sunday, April 5, on LLCC online education.

The first annual Central Illinois Junior FIRST® LEGO® League Expo in Cass Gym Sunday, April 6, was covered by WICS and WAND TV. Jessica Ingold, youth programming coordinator, was interviewed. Click HERE for a photo album of the fun event!

Jay Kitterman, director, Culinary Institute, was interviewed by the State Journal Register a front page story April 7 on the growing popularity of restaurant food delivery services.

John Kidd, culinary specialist, was the featured chef on FOX-55’s Good Day program from 7 to 9 a.m., preparing several delicious dishes.

2014 Biggest Loser Results are in…

TLC came out on top for the second year in a row!  The team is comprised of Liesl Smith, Theresa Kanoza and Cara Swafford.  Together TLC lost 40.6 lbs or 8.63% of their total body weight.

In a close second, which came down to the last minute, was Waist Management.  This team is comprised of Bill Harmon, Craig Beckmier and Rich Teeter.  Together Waist Management lost 50.6 lbs or 8% of their total body weight.

And last but not least, in third place was CNA Duo which is actually a trio comprised of Sandra Chvala, Sharon Hashman and Keri Mounce.  Together CNA Duo lost 21.4 lbs or 3.82% of their total body weight.

This contest is marketed as a team contest however we do recognize the overall individual winner.  A big congratulations goes to Cara Swafford for being the 2014 Biggest Loser.  Individually Cara lost 18.2 lbs or 10.24% of her body weight.

The weekly winners’ names were placed in a hat to be drawn at the end of the contest.  Congratulations to Craig McFarland whose name was drawn from the hat.

Congratulations to all those who participated.

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Our sympathy to Phil Lima

Our sincere condolences to Phil Lima, police sergeant, whose mother, Wilma Lima, passed away early Monday morning.  A visitation will be held at Butler Funeral Home (Springfield, IL) Wednesday April 9th, 11:3oa.m.-12:30p.m. followed by a service at Camp Butler Cemetery at 1:00p.m.