Non-Traditional Course Delivery Workgroup meets today, 1-3 p.m.

The second of five LLCC workgroups, inspired by convocation, meets today, Sept. 16 from 1-3 p.m. in Menard Hall, room 1179.

Non-Traditional Course Delivery

As we work to better address needs of adult students and learning methods of our new generation of students, we need to look at opportunities for programming including Competency Based Education, Prior Learning Assessment, and the places for blending of both non-credit and credit offerings.
Co-chairs: Dr. Laurel Bretz, Dr. Corrine Hinton
Cabinet Liaison: Bryan Gleckler
Kick-off Meeting: Sept. 16, 1-3 p.m., Menard Hall, Room 1179

All LLCC colleagues are encouraged to join a workgroup that interests them. Diverse input helps ensure that decisions are well-rounded and consider the needs of the entire campus community. See the message from Dr. Charlotte Warren and the entire list of kick-off meetings.

Parking during Ag & Workforce Careers Expo, Sept. 19

On Thursday, Sept. 19, employees are asked to park in lots 9, 11, 13 or 15 or in Cass Gym lots. View campus map.

(Note: LLCC students are encouraged to park in Lots 1, 3, 5 and 7.)

LLCC’s Ag & Workforce Careers Expo will be held on campus that day from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. The outdoor event connects high school students with local employers to learn about careers in ag, health care and the skilled trades. More than 1,000 high school students and 90 employers are expected at the event. Lots on the southwest side of campus and the exit drive heading north from the Workforce Careers Center are closed for the event.

Thank you for your assistance as we welcome many high school students and employers to campus.

KUDOS nominations being accepted

Lincoln Land Community College KUDOS: Key or Unique Demonstrations of Outstanding ServiceKey or Unique Demonstrations of Outstanding Service award nominations are open! They will be accepted through Friday, Sept. 27. Faculty and staff can nominate a deserving colleague by submitting the KUDOS form (also available by clicking on the KUDOS tab in the upper-right corner of LincIn). Please use a Chrome or Firefox browser when completing this form. The KUDOS awards will be announced Friday, October 11.

The KUDOS awards are an informal way to recognize the special contributions — small and large — made by faculty and staff that create the positive environment that is LLCC.

Reminder: PRM has thank you cards if you’d like to personalize a note of gratitude for a coworker.


Faculty Book Club begins Monday

Join us for a three-part faculty book club series, led by Becky Miller, professor,  psychology, centered on “Small Teaching” by James Lang, a transformative guide offering practical, research-based strategies for enhancing classroom instruction. We will explore how small, targeted changes in teaching practices can lead to significant improvements in student learning. Each session will provide a collaborative space for faculty members to discuss and apply these insights to their own teaching. Engage with your peers, share experiences and discover actionable strategies that can be immediately integrated into your courses. All participants will receive a free copy of “Small Teaching.”

Register now and receive your copy of “Small Teaching” before the session dates.

Note: Faculty will receive one point for each session attended. Those who attend all three will be awarded an extra point (four total).

Monday Morning Mentor: How Can I Teach Courses that are inclusively accessible to all learners?

This week’s Monday Morning Mentor is How Can I Teach Courses That Are Inclusively Accessible to All Learners? The presentation is available Sept. 16, 2024 with this online link, and on-demand for one week. You will need to use the password, accessible579

Access to the programs in the Monday Morning Mentor series is restricted to members of the subscribing institution. Any unauthorized use or access, including sharing access with faculty and staff not affiliated with the subscribing institution, is prohibited.

Open office hours for Zogotech tomorrow, 8:30-9:30 a.m.

Want to create a report in ZogoTech but just don’t quite remember where to start? Need a refresher on stacking filters in Navigator to get the right group of students? Have questions on a PowerBI Dashboard?
LLCC Institutional Research and Effectiveness staff are available during dedicated drop-in hours on Tuesday, 8:30-9:30 a.m. Stop by MCTR 2215, and bring your questions or requests. We look forward to seeing you!
Those with a need to meet virtually should contact IRE for a Teams meeting link.


Loggers, Thank you for your support of the most recent blood drive! These were our LLCC stats!

  • 24 donors present to donate
  • 20 whole blood units collected
  • 6 red cell donations collected (3 double red donors)
  • 13 (wow!!) first time donors with Impact Life (a special thanks to these donors!)
  • Potentially 66 lives that will be saved with the donations collected

Everyone at Impact Life and in LLCC Student Life appreciate your generosity and caring spirit!

Mark your calendars and plan to donate at the next LLCC drive on Tuesday, Nov. 12, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. A. Lincoln Commons. You can even sign up now online.