Thank you from Dick Rogers

I would like to thank the Lincoln Land Community College family for the cards and thoughts our family received for the loss of my sister. I will cherish your thoughts and prayers forever.

Dick Rogers

Save the date: Campus Visit Day Oct. 10

Campus Visit Day is Monday, Oct. 10, and we need your help to make it a great experience for our prospective students! During each session, guests are allowed to visit exhibits in A. Lincoln Commons to learn more about the college. If you would like to represent your department and programs at our exhibit area during the morning session (10-11:30 a.m.) and/or the evening session (6-7:30 p.m.), please email or call 6.9657.

Thank you,

Public Relations & Marketing

Posted in PRM |

Reminder: Blackboard unavailable today

A reminder that the LLCC Blackboard system will be unavailable today from 8 a.m. -5 p.m. while the system is taken offline for necessary maintenance and upgrades in preparation for the fall semester.

Streamlining Affordable Shred Services

In order to alleviate multiple trips to campus by Affordable Shred for document shred service, we are asking all departments that use this service to please contact the Purchasing Office when your shred container needs to be emptied. Our office will coordinate a suitable pickup time for all areas that need service. You may contact Holly Walton at 62260 or Dwayne Curry at 62261.

Blackboard maintenance Thursday

The LLCC Blackboard system will be unavailable this coming Thursday, Aug. 4,  from 8 a.m. -5 p.m. The system needs to be taken offline for necessary maintenance and upgrades in preparation for the fall semester.

Congratulations LLCC-J CNA graduates!

CNA 72716 PIC
Front (L-R):  Cassie Brown, Kable Crow, Jenny Rhodes
Row 2: Instructor Peggy Wisdom, Haley Pate, Sarah Newell, Shelbi Thornley, Kaitlyn Willis, Instructor Shannan Wintermeyer Hobbs, Instructor Linda Cockerill
Row 3: Fatima Alshantti, Kesha Brown, Cydney Mush, Adair Wilson
Back:  Katheryn Speaks, MacKenzie Nicols, Katelin Rebbe