See which faculty and staff have birthdays in March.
February 2025 Phone Directory Addendum
Please view the January/February 2025 addendum for recent phone directory updates:
Monthly Phone Directory Addendum January – February 2025
See a memo about the end of fiscal year 2025
TO: Budget Managers
FROM: Jeremy Bliss
DATE: February 28, 2025
RE: End of Fiscal Year 2025
As we are rapidly approaching the end of another fiscal year, I wanted to send out a reminder to help facilitate your end of year spending. Please note the following dates:
Last date for all major purchases – April 11, 2025
- Purchases for office furniture, equipment, materials or supplies that have longer lead times should be placed in order to ensure timely delivery of order. Please be aware in case of longer lead times or backorders, you may not receive your order by the June 30 deadline. In this case, you may have to pay out of FY26 funds.
- An on-line requisition must be done and approved by corresponding budget manager(s), with correct account number(s) and forwarded to the purchasing department.
Last date Purchase Orders will be issued – May 16, 2025
- This will be the last day a purchase order will be used to order anything.
- An online requisition must be completed prior to this date which includes approval by corresponding budget manager(s), with correct account number(s) and forwarded to the purchasing department, by the above date.
- That also means your budget transfer(s) should have already been submitted to the budgeting department, should there be a need to do that.
Last date to order items on a blanket purchase order – May 16, 2025
- This includes Office Depot/Staples blankets.
Last date to process payments on a blanket purchase order – June 5, 2025
- All supporting documentation, invoices and blanket purchase order payment requests must be approved by corresponding budget manager(s) and submitted to accounts payable by 5 p.m. on June 5.
Only emergency purchases will be allowed after the above dates, and as such must have the appropriate approvals.
- Purchases will require written approval from your appropriate cabinet member prior to the purchase.
- Due to audit cut off dates, items not received on campus by June 30 will be charged to your FY 26 budget.
Grant purchases – above dates apply to grants ending June 30, 2025
- For those grants that do not end on June 30, 2025, please work closely with Sarah Goodman and Jeremy Bliss in the purchasing office to facilitate your purchases.
Abbreviated Pay Period Timeline
Due to the abbreviated timeline for payroll for spring break, we would like to remind you that the turnaround time for payroll submissions is short!
Anyone paid on a timesheet must submit their time for Feb. 16-28 no later than midnight on March 3, 2025.
Supervisors must approve these timesheets no later than midnight on March 4, 2025.
The full schedule of dates and due dates can be found on Sharepoint.
Thank you!
Geofencing blocks access to LLCC accounts outside of the United States. If you are traveling outside of the country and will need access to your LLCC account, please let the help desk know to have geofencing deactivated for the duration of your travel.
Most account attacks come from outside of the country. Geofencing is a good measure to block those attacks and reduce the number of compromise accounts.
IT Help Desk
Perks of having an LLCC ID Card
LLCC students, staff and faculty can get a free ID card, which serves as a library card and provides access to campus services, plus discounts at select businesses and venues. To get your ID, bring a photo ID to the Student Services Hub in Menard Hall. For questions, contact LLCC Registration at 217-786-2292.
LLCC Volleyball will host VolleyTots Camp
LLCC’s volleyball program will host a spring VolleyTots Camp! This camp is for youth ages 4-7 and will be focused on fundamentals of the sport. Sign up for VolleyTots now. Spots are limited!
Next Journaling and Mindfulness Session, March 4
Make time for your well-being by attending our upcoming Journaling & Mindfulness sessions! Below is a list of upcoming dates. To easily keep track of these sessions, click the link below to visit the event page. Once there, simply select “add to my calendar” to save the event and ensure you don’t miss it.
We hope to see you there!
All sessions will be held in Sangamon Hall, Library Room 1126 and begin at 12:45 p.m. For any questions, please contact Rachel Duff, employee health and wellness coordinator.
Nominate the 2025 Student Commencement Speaker
Faculty and staff,
As we prepare for the LLCC Commencement ceremonies in 2025, we are excited to begin the process of selecting our student speaker. The student speaker plays a key role in representing the voice of the graduating class, inspiring peers and celebrating the shared experience of our academic community.
We are looking for a student who exemplifies the values of LLCC — one who has shown leadership, perseverance and a commitment to personal growth. This year, we are particularly seeking a student whose journey aligns with the theme of “Change.” We are looking for someone who has experienced significant transformation in their life, whether through their academic work, connections with faculty, staff and peers, or by overcoming personal challenges. This student should have a unique perspective on how LLCC has helped shape or alter their outlook on life, their future, or their personal trajectory.
If you know a student who has demonstrated these qualities, someone who positively represents LLCC and embodies the spirit of growth and transformation, we invite you to submit a nomination for their consideration as the student speaker.
Please provide a brief rationale for your nomination, detailing how the student has embraced change and how their experiences at LLCC have impacted their path. Nominations should be submitted no later than March 22, 2025, to Gailyn Draper.
A nomination form is linked below, along with a list of graduating students for 2024-2025 school year.
Graduating Students 2025
MEMO Student Speakers APPLICATIONS 2025
If you have any questions, please reach out to Gailyn Draper at 217-786-2213 or Ashley Krzenski at 217-786-3479.
Thank you for your time and for helping us select a student speaker who will truly represent the transformative experience of our graduates.
Faculty Development: Teaching Durable Skills in a Changing World
Change is exhausting. Over the last two years — since the release of ChatGPT —we’ve seen hundreds of “game-changing” AI products released. Again and again, we’ve been told to adapt or die. Hardly anyone can keep up. That puts educators and students in a tough spot. How do we respond to a world that is — supposedly — changing before our eyes?
Dr. Jason Gulya’s response is to teach durable skills and to focus on progress over product. In this session, he’ll talk about specific ways that he works that response into his online and onsite courses. In particular, he’ll talk about using AI to encourage critical thinking and analysis.
In the end, the rise of AI has not changed the principles of good teaching. We don’t need to fully abandon what we’ve been doing. But we do need to think about whether we’ve been doing everything we can to make our classrooms places of human connection and belonging.
In this session, we’ll begin by going over some of the reactive aspects of these changes: Generative AI is being brought into our classrooms in obvious and not-so-obvious ways. In the second half of the presentation, we’ll discuss how we can move from this reactive mindset to the proactive one. How can we move forward with all of these changes in mind? What specific actions can we take in the classroom to set up our students for success?
Join this Zoom session on Friday, Feb. 28, from 1-3 p.m.