Join us in the A. Lincoln Commons lounge for relaxing activities and resources from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. today. Gateway Foundation will be in the lounge from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. providing information and resources regarding substance use.
There will be coloring pages and puzzles for students to partake in. Encourage students to take a 20-30 minute mental break for their wellness!

Journaling and Mindfulness Today

A reminder that all employees are invited to join the Journaling and Mindfulness sessions being held today, March 4, at 12:45 p.m. in the LLCC Library, Sangamon Hall, Room 1126. This session is led by LLCC faculty Deborah Brothers and John Paul Jaramillo. Journals and ink pens will be available for those who need them.

We hope you join us for a relaxing break!

FY26 planning and budgeting begins

The FY26 planning and budgeting process starts today, Monday, March 3. We will continue to use the SharePoint form. Users can access the form beginning Monday, March 3, for submission of items for the FY26 planning and budgeting year. Users are asked to submit their items between March 3-31.

To aid budget managers in submitting existing budget increase/decrease (budget maintenance) requests, the budget office will email budget baseline worksheets to users the week of March 4. Please wait to submit existing budget increase/decrease requests until you have received these worksheets.

If you are a budget manager of an auxiliary unit and are making budget maintenance adjustments, you are required to attach the baseline worksheets to your forms prior to submission. See the directions pdf for more information.

New this year – IT implemented a new technology request process in November. This new process required users to use the Technology Request Form to submit their technology requests for review by the LLCC Data Governance Council and Technology Advisory Group prior to submitting it to the planning and budgeting process. Items that have already been submitted through IT’s process can now be submitted to the planning and budget process for consideration.

Written directions and instructional videos have been created to assist users with form completion. These items and the link to the Planning & Budgeting SharePoint Form will be posted to the FY26 Planning & Budgeting ling on the Finance Department’s SharePoint page and available for users Monday, March 3.

Fall 2025 Payment Plan Flyers

The fall 2025 payment plan flyer is now available! To order printed copies for your area, please complete a PRM KBOX ticket.

The earlier students sign up for classes and start their payment plan, the more months they will have to spread out their payments. Please use this as an incentive for early registration when talking with students.
If this payment plan does not fit the student’s needs, have them reach out to student accounts and we can go over any and all payment options with them.

If you have any questions, please email Student Accounts or call 217-786-2480.

Nominate the 2025 Student Commencement Speaker

Faculty and staff,

As we prepare for the LLCC Commencement ceremonies in 2025, we are excited to begin the process of selecting our student speaker. The student speaker plays a key role in representing the voice of the graduating class, inspiring peers and celebrating the shared experience of our academic community.

We are looking for a student who exemplifies the values of LLCC — one who has shown leadership, perseverance and a commitment to personal growth. This year, we are particularly seeking a student whose journey aligns with the theme of “Change.” We are looking for someone who has experienced significant transformation in their life, whether through their academic work, connections with faculty, staff and peers, or by overcoming personal challenges. This student should have a unique perspective on how LLCC has helped shape or alter their outlook on life, their future, or their personal trajectory.

If you know a student who has demonstrated these qualities, someone who positively represents LLCC and embodies the spirit of growth and transformation, we invite you to submit a nomination for their consideration as the student speaker.

Please provide a brief rationale for your nomination, detailing how the student has embraced change and how their experiences at LLCC have impacted their path. Nominations should be submitted no later than March 22, 2025, to Gailyn Draper.

A nomination form is linked below, along with a list of graduating students for 2024-2025 school year.
Graduating Students 2025
MEMO Student Speakers APPLICATIONS 2025

If you have any questions, please reach out to Gailyn Draper at 217-786-2213 or Ashley Krzesinski at 217-786-3479.

Thank you for your time and for helping us select a student speaker who will truly represent the transformative experience of our graduates.

Monday Morning Mentor

This week’s Monday Morning Mentor is about alleviating student stress in the classroom. “How Can I Alleviate Student Stress and Anxiety in My Class?” is available March 3 and on-demand for one week at Monday Morning Mentor. To view the program, use password: anxiety218.

Access to the programs in the Monday Morning Mentor series is restricted to members of the subscribing institution. Any unauthorized use or access, including sharing access with faculty and staff not affiliated with the subscribing institution, is prohibited.

IRE open office hours tomorrow, 8:30-9:30 a.m.

Want to create a report in ZogoTech but just don’t quite remember where to start? Need a refresher on stacking filters in Navigator to get the right group of students? Have questions on a PowerBI Dashboard?

LLCC Institutional Research and Effectiveness staff are available during dedicated drop-in hours on Tuesday, 8:30-9:30 a.m. Stop by Millennium Center, Room 2215, and bring your questions or requests. We look forward to seeing you!

Those with a need to meet virtually should contact IRE for a Teams meeting link.

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