KUDOS nominations being accepted

Lincoln Land Community College KUDOS: Key or Unique Demonstrations of Outstanding ServiceKey or Unique Demonstrations of Outstanding Service award nominations are open! They will be accepted through Friday, Sept. 27. Faculty and staff can nominate a deserving colleague by submitting the KUDOS form (also available by clicking on the KUDOS tab in the upper-right corner of LincIn). Please use a Chrome or Firefox browser when completing this form. The KUDOS awards will be announced Friday, October 11.

The KUDOS awards are an informal way to recognize the special contributions — small and large — made by faculty and staff that create the positive environment that is LLCC.

Reminder: PRM has thank you cards if you’d like to personalize a note of gratitude for a coworker.


Faculty Book Club begins Monday

Join us for a three-part faculty book club series, led by Becky Miller, professor,  psychology, centered on “Small Teaching” by James Lang, a transformative guide offering practical, research-based strategies for enhancing classroom instruction. We will explore how small, targeted changes in teaching practices can lead to significant improvements in student learning. Each session will provide a collaborative space for faculty members to discuss and apply these insights to their own teaching. Engage with your peers, share experiences and discover actionable strategies that can be immediately integrated into your courses. All participants will receive a free copy of “Small Teaching.”

Register now and receive your copy of “Small Teaching” before the session dates.

Note: Faculty will receive one point for each session attended. Those who attend all three will be awarded an extra point (four total).

Monday Morning Mentor: How Can I Teach Courses that are inclusively accessible to all learners?

This week’s Monday Morning Mentor is How Can I Teach Courses That Are Inclusively Accessible to All Learners? The presentation is available Sept. 16, 2024 with this online link, and on-demand for one week. You will need to use the password, accessible579

Access to the programs in the Monday Morning Mentor series is restricted to members of the subscribing institution. Any unauthorized use or access, including sharing access with faculty and staff not affiliated with the subscribing institution, is prohibited.

Open office hours for Zogotech tomorrow, 8:30-9:30 a.m.

Want to create a report in ZogoTech but just don’t quite remember where to start? Need a refresher on stacking filters in Navigator to get the right group of students? Have questions on a PowerBI Dashboard?
LLCC Institutional Research and Effectiveness staff are available during dedicated drop-in hours on Tuesday, 8:30-9:30 a.m. Stop by MCTR 2215, and bring your questions or requests. We look forward to seeing you!
Those with a need to meet virtually should contact IRE for a Teams meeting link.


Loggers, Thank you for your support of the most recent blood drive! These were our LLCC stats!

  • 24 donors present to donate
  • 20 whole blood units collected
  • 6 red cell donations collected (3 double red donors)
  • 13 (wow!!) first time donors with Impact Life (a special thanks to these donors!)
  • Potentially 66 lives that will be saved with the donations collected

Everyone at Impact Life and in LLCC Student Life appreciate your generosity and caring spirit!

Mark your calendars and plan to donate at the next LLCC drive on Tuesday, Nov. 12, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. A. Lincoln Commons. You can even sign up now online.

Wellness screenings and flu shots

Sign up for a wellness screening and flu shot on Oct. 10 or Oct. 23, 7 -11:30 a.m. in the Student Union in Menard Hall. All benefit-eligible employees and their spouses may participate. The screening is free to benefit-eligible employees and for spouses who are enrolled on a LLCC health insurance plan. All benefit-eligible employees who participate in the wellness screening and complete the health risk assessment survey will receive a $50 Visa gift card! You may also sign up for a flu shot. A regular flu shot, as well as a preservative free and high dose flu shot, will be available. View Monday’s email from HR for the link and program code to sign up!

The 3rd Annual Health & Wellness Fair will also be held during the first wellness screening event on Thursday, Oct.10. Look for more information soon in LincIn!

Get Registered for the 2024 Cardboard Boat Regatta!

Cardboard Boat Regatta. Lincoln Land Community College.Faculty, staff, students and alumni are invited to participate in LLCC’s third cardboard boat regatta on Sept. 27 at Lake Macoupin! Check in will be 9-10 a.m. with the race starting at 11 a.m. Register by Sept. 20 at the LLCC PoliceDepartment in Sangamon Hall South or by calling 217-786-2278.

The LLCCPD can provide cardboard, while supplies last. (Please note: duct tape is not provided.) A boat construction area is provided under the overhang between Sangamon Hall North and Sangamon Hall South. All painting must be done in the grass west of the construction area. Please respect the space and keep your site tidy. Contact LLCC PD for more details.

The boats will be on display on the lawn west of the Helen Hamilton Center prior to the race. Awards will be given in such categories as fastest boat, best design, LLCC spirit and Titanic!

Register online.

Important event details

  • There is an entry fee of $20 per team. Money raised will be donated to a charity.
  • There must be at least two people per boat; there is no maximum.
  • Minimum age to participate is 16; minors will need parental consent.
  • Closed toe shoes and life preservers are required (if you cannot bring one, please make priorarrangements with the LLCCPD)
  • Each preliminary race, or “heat race,” of 3-4 boats will take place around the Lake Macoupinfountain from the east bank in the Helen Hamilton Center.
  • Winners of each preliminary race will compete in the final race.
  • An opening ceremony prior to the first race and closing ceremony with awards will be held in theoutdoor amphitheater.
  • Rain date: Oct. 11

TRIO staff paddling in a cardboard boat.Boat Construction Materials

Accepteble materials:

  • corrugated cardboard
  • duct tape
  • water-based paint

Materials not allowed:

  • oil-based paint
  • water-proof paint
  • wood
  • styrofoam
  • plastic sheathing
  • fiberglass
  • Son0tubes/coated cardboard
  • silicon, wax or tar
  • caulking compounds
  • metal
  • staples, clamps or screws

Police paddling their boat, "Donut Pirates"Rules

  1. Life preservers/vests must always be worn while on/in the water.
  2. Closed toe shoes are required. Shoes that tie/zip are preferred, tennis or water shoes. NO flip flops or Crocs.
  3. The ENTIRE boat including paddles must be made from cardboard and duct tape. Corrugated cardboard only!
  4. Duct tape may be used only to reinforce seams. DO NOT duct tape the entire hull of the boat!
  5. Water-based paint is allowed (no oil-based paint) for decorating the boat.
  6. Decorations are allowed and encouraged, provided they are not used as structural or floatation elements.
  7. Crew costumes are encouraged.
  8. Design is left to builder(s). Let your creativity take over.
  9. NO surfboard style boat allowed.
  10. Team members who start the race must finish the race without leaving the interior of the boat. If a team member exits the boat for any reason during the race, the team will be disqualified.
  11. Please make sure all packing labels and staples are removed!
  12. Throwing water on another boat is reason for disqualification, unless said water comes from the incidental splash of a paddle or other propulsive device.
  13. Sunken or discarded boats must be disposed of in the designated trash receptacle.

Integrity Challenge

An individual or team may submit a challenge of integrity on any of the top three finishing boats.
Procedures will be developed for an individual or team to submit a challenge confidentially.
There is a challenge fee of $20 per submission. All challenge money will be donated to a charity.
Challenged boats will be thoroughly inspected. This may involve cutting the boat to inspect the internal structure.