8th Annual LLCC Gala Raises Funds for LLCC Students

Lincoln Land Community College Foundation’s 8th Annual Gala was held at the college on Saturday, May 3. Approximately 270 people attended this elegant evening featuring a gourmet dinner prepared by our culinary students and instructors. Guests were treated to entertainment provided by LLCC’s Concert Choir, the Stolen Moments Jazz Band and LLCC’s Big Band. The Gala is the Foundation’s single largest fundraiser for unrestricted student support. Preliminary estimates are that $67,000 in net revenue was raised in support of student learning at LLCC. Our sincerest thanks to all our sponsors, donors, friends, staff, faculty and volunteers who help make this event a success.

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Commencement Friday, May 16

Commencement 2014 will be held at the Prairie Capital Convention Center on Friday, May 16, 2014 beginning at 7:30 p.m.  Faculty/Administration information as well as an updated line of march are attached, plan to be there by 7 p.m.  Please note that there will be NO coat/purse check available.  In addition, the Komen Race for the Cure and other events will also be taking place Friday night downtown Springfield.  Please plan accordingly for additional traffic and limited parking.  Thank you!

FacultyAdministrators Directions_2014        Line of March 2014

KUDOS to be awarded again July 1

Kudos logoThe next KUDOS award recipients will be announced July 1, and twice in the fall and spring semesters. Nominate a deserving colleague by clicking on the KUDOS tab in the upper right corner of LincIn.

The KUDOS award is an informal way to recognize the small and large ways our faculty and staff contribute to the positive environment that is LLCC. The person you nominate will receive a KUDOS certificate, with winners announced in LincIn, along with what they did to deserve the award. You can make an anonymous nomination if you wish. Brighten someone’s day and say “thank you, great job!” with the KUDOS award.

Campus Bird Count

Last Saturday, Professor Tony Rothering conducted the official spring bird count for campus. He documented 60 species including:

Canada Goose 8, Mallard 7, Double-crested Cormorant 21, Great Blue Heron 2, Green Heron 1, Turkey Vulture 1, Cooper’s Hawk 1, Least Sandpiper 5, Mourning Dove 4, Chimney Swift 7, Red-headed Woodpecker 3, Red-bellied Woodpecker 8, Downy Woodpecker 2, Eastern Wood-Pewee 1, Eastern Phoebe 1, Eastern Kingbird 11, Warbling Vireo 2, Red-eyed Vireo 3, Blue Jay 5, American Crow 17, Purple Martin 1, Tree Swallow 3, Barn Swallow 2, Cliff Swallow 10, Black-capped Chickadee 3, Tufted Titmouse 2, White-breasted Nuthatch 1, House Wren 3, Carolina Wren 2, Swainson’s Thrush 7, American Robin 30, Gray Catbird 12, Brown Thrasher 3, European Starling 15, Cedar Waxwing 7, Golden-winged Warbler 2, Tennessee Warbler 10, Nashville Warbler 1, Common Yellowthroat 1, American Redstart 1, Magnolia Warbler 1, Blackburnian Warbler 1, Yellow-rumped Warbler 3, Black-throated Green Warbler 2, Chipping Sparrow 5, Song Sparrow 8, Lincoln’s Sparrow 1, Swamp Sparrow 3, White-throated Sparrow 2, White-crowned Sparrow 10, Northern Cardinal 14, Rose-breasted Grosbeak 3, Indigo Bunting 2, Red-winged Blackbird 13, Common Grackle 40, Brown-headed Cowbird 4, Baltimore Oriole 6, House Finch 6, American Goldfinch 4, House Sparrow 3


A message from City Water, Light and Power:

Beginning Thursday, May 15, south- and north-bound Shepherd Road at University Drive near UIS will be detoured to 11th Street during daytime work hours, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., for multiple days to accommodate City Water, Light and Power’s water main tap for a new construction project. This work requires a street opening near Shepherd Road’s intersection with University Drive. Motorists are encouraged to plan alternative routes to this area and to always slow down and be aware of construction and repair crews and equipment in and near roadways. Work will be rescheduled in the event of inclement weather.

Note:  Toronto Road access to the LLCC Child Development Center will still be available.

In the Community

Nancy Sweet, culinary operations manager will be doing cooking demonstrations with free samples Thurs., May 15 at the Farmer’s Market, State Fairgrounds (strawberry salad), and

Sat., May 17, 1-5 p.m. at the Art of Illinois Wine Festival downtown (1 – Prosciutto Wrapped Scallops with Hot Pepper Peach Sauce; 2 – Grilled Oysters with Compound Butters; 3 – Grilled Mahi Mahi with Pesto Potato Salad and Basil Vinaigrette; 4 – Grilled Shrimp and Chorizo Skewers with Orzo Salad.

Thank you from Julie Rourke

To my Lincoln Land family, I would like to express my heartfelt thank you for the kindness and sympathy extended to me after the loss of my mother. It was a great comfort to me and I am deeply grateful to all of you. Julie Rourke