Words to the Wise Wednesday from Student Success

The LLCC Student Success office has undergone significant changes over the past few years, so it is the office’s goal that colleagues across campus get to better know the who, what, when where and why of Student Success. Over the next few months, they will be bringing you “Words to the Wise Wednesdays.”

“When” are we available?

This week, we will focus on “when” to highlight our schedules and availability to meet with students which is an important step in achieving student success.

Students can meet with their success coach in-person, phone, or virtually (Zoom or Microsoft Teams). Interestingly, over the past several months it has been almost a 50/50 split of students wanting to meet in-person vs. phone or virtually.

There are two primary ways (detailed below) that a student can meet their success coach. In an effort to be flexible to students’ lives outside of LLCC, students can meet either by a scheduled appointment or during their coach’s drop-in hours. During peak registration times, we often get feedback that students are not able to schedule an appointment with their success coach for a few weeks. This is where drop-in hours can become particularly useful.

Please help us remind students that they can meet with their success coach via a scheduled appointment or during drop-in hours. Success coaches split their days between appointments and drop-ins.

Scheduling an appointment: Students use My Scheduler to schedule an appointment with their success coach.

Student can access My Scheduler by going to My LLCC and then clicking My Scheduler under Student Resources.

Drop-In hours: Students can also meet with their success coach during drop-in hours.  Students enter their seven-digit student ID number or username. If their success coach is available for virtual drop-ins, they will see the coaches name listed as “Currently seeing virtual drop-ins.”

Please note: the virtual drop-in web page is turned off when there are no student success coaches available.

To view the drop-in information: www.tinyurl.com/llccsuccessdropin
Student Success: www.llcc.edu/student-success