SGA to hold online elections

Lincoln Land Community College Student Government Association. LLCCThe Student Government Association has finalized plans to move its elections to an online format. Now we need your help in recruiting students to serve LLCC as part of Student Government Association or as Student Trustee for the 2020-2021 academic year. The application form is due April 8 by 5 p.m. After the application has closed, LLCC Student Life will review applications, and those that meet the qualifications will be listed on the official election ballot. This year, there are no signature requirements. Applicants will also have the opportunity to record a video and send in other promotional materials that will be shared with the student body to promote their candidacy. Please encourage students to fill out the SGA Election Application Form if they are interested or if you believe they would be a good candidate. If they have any questions about the application or SGA, please inform them to contact Student Life at