Dr. Carmen Allen, professor of computer science at LLCC; Bethany Bilyeu, Psy.D., L.C.P.C., director, UIS Counseling Center; Siobhan Johnson, deputy director of human resources, Illinois Deptartment of Public Health; and Shane Overby, detective, Springfield Police Department will serve as panelists at “Pants on Fire” today, Oct. 16, at 6 p.m. in the Thorne Deuel Auditorium at the Illinois State Museum, 502 S. Spring St. This panel presentation will uncover big and little lies in everyday interactions. The presentation is the second in the series “Finding Truth in the Age of Alternative Facts” hosted by LLCC’s Academy of Lifelong Learning and the Illinois State Museum.
The moderator for all three programs will be Jim Leach, news director of News/Talk 94.7 and 970 WMAY. Registration is requested by calling 786-2432.
For more information and panelist biographies, visit www.llcc.edu/all-newsletters-and-special-events.