Attend Convocation this Friday and help restock food pantry

Jack Uldrich speaking on a stageThe annual Convocation for faculty and staff will be held this Friday starting at 9:30 a.m. in the Student Union. This year’s event will feature Jack Uldrich, a leading futurist, author, and speaker who helps organizations gain the critical foresight they need to create a successful future! In addition, the day will include an address by Dr. Charlotte Warren, department meetings in the afternoon and a social from 4-6 p.m. in the Hamilton Area.

Help restock the LLCC Food Pantry for fall

Pantry shelves have emptied out over the summer, and students will be back again soon! If you are able to contribute, your donations are welcome. They can be dropped off in the LLCC Student Life office any time, and a table for donations will be outside the office during the social on Friday, Aug. 16.

Current needs include:

  • Microwaveable, “heat and eat” meals
  • Protein (meat sticks, canned chicken, tuna and chicken salad packets/kits)
  • Noodles (pasta and pasta sauce, macaroni & cheese, ramen cups)
  • Breakfast Items – breakfast bars, toaster tarts, oatmeal and cereal cups, pancake or muffin mixes (just add water)
  • Snacks – crackers, granola bars, trail mix, fruit cups, applesauce
  • Refrigerated – small, individual servings of milk, yogurt, string cheese
  • Hygiene – shampoo, deodorant, hand soap
  • Cleaning – dish soap, sponges, small bottles of detergent

At any point, if you prefer to make a monetary donation, you can do so through the LLCC Foundation website by choosing “other” and noting “Food Pantry” in the comments. LLCC Student Life staff will then shop for what is most needed at the time.

The partnership with LLCC Quiznos will continue as well. By purchasing a small sandwich as a part of the initiative, you will allow Student Life to pass it along to a student who selects from the pre-paid receipts posted in the pantry.

A big thanks from Student Life for all your support!