Today’s Faculty Workshop: Become an H5P Pro with Course Presentations

Upgrade your presentations with multiple choice questions, fill in the blanks, interactive summaries, multimedia, and other types of interactions using only a web browser. Join H5P Core Team to learn how to create engaging presentations with H5P, which can be used in face-to-face courses or added to online courses in Canvas. This hands-on workshop will provide you an opportunity to experience interactive course presentations yourself, and learn how to use the drag and drop based authoring tool to create them on your own.

Monday Morning Mentor, “How to Ensure Students Are Prepared for Class”

This weeks Monday Morning Mentor, “How to Ensure Students Are Prepared for Class,” is available today and on-demand for one week through this online link. From the link you can view the featured 20-Minute Mentor, as well as access the transcript, handouts, and supplemental material. These materials will not be available to be viewed until Monday when the presentation becomes available. You will need to enter this password to view the program: prepared276.

Access to the programs in the Monday Morning Mentor series is restricted to members of the subscribing institution. Any unauthorized use or access, including sharing access with faculty and staff not affiliated with the subscribing institution, is prohibited.


Monday Morning Mentor

This week’s Monday Morning Mentor is, “How Can I Help Students Become Comfortable with the Uncomfortable?” The online presentation is available Nov. 4 and on-demand for one week. You will need to enter the password in order to view the program: comfortable566.

Access to the programs in the Monday Morning Mentor series is restricted to members of the subscribing institution. Any unauthorized use or access, including sharing access with faculty and staff not affiliated with the subscribing institution, is prohibited.

Tony Rothering presents at IBBA Annual Meeting

Tony Rothering delivering a presentation on his bird banding research.Tony Rothering, professor, biology, recently presented his research on bird capture rates at the 2024 Inland Bird Banding Association’s annual meeting in Little Rock, Arkansas. His presentation, titled “Bird Capture Rate by Shelf Using a Standard 4-shelf, 12-meter Mist Net,” explored innovative methods for enhancing the effectiveness of bird banding efforts.

The research, conducted at the Midwest Migration Network Station at Jubilee Farm in Springfield, analyzed bird capture data collected over four banding seasons using a new telescoping net pole design. This design allowed nets to extend 0.5 meters higher than the previous setup, optimizing the capture potential of each net shelf, particularly the uppermost one. Rothering and his team recorded capture rates by shelf, collecting data on approximately 1,500 birds, with findings that included habitat-specific and species-specific comparisons. These insights provide valuable information on improving bird capture methods and contribute to a greater understanding of migration patterns.

This is Rothering’s second presentation at IBBA’s annual meeting. He currently serves as vice president of the organization, contributing his expertise to furthering research and conservation efforts in migratory bird populations.

Monday Morning Mentor

This week’s Monday Morning Mentor topic is, “How Can I Create Alternative Syllabi to Make My Class More Inclusive?” The presentation is availble Oct. 14 and on-demand for one week. You can link to it online. You will need to enter the following password in order to view next week’s program: alternative441.

Access to the programs in the Monday Morning Mentor series is restricted to members of the subscribing institution. Any unauthorized use or access, including sharing access with faculty and staff not affiliated with the subscribing institution, is prohibited.

Faculty Development: Beyond Laziness: Uncovering Hidden Barriers to College Success

As faculty, we have all struggled to understand why students miss assignments, don’t come to class, procrastinate when taking exams, etc. Instead of contributing this behavior to laziness or apathy, what if we tried to identify potential barriers that might be precipitating these actions and devise targeted interventions to mitigate their effects? This webinar provides strategies to find, understand, and alleviate potential hidden barriers to student success in higher education.

Join us for, Beyond Laziness: Uncovering Hidden Barriers to College Success, this Thursday, Oct. 10 from 1-2:30 p.m. in Sangamon 1102 or on Teams. Register online.

Presenters include, Anne Armbruster, director, student support services; Alex Berry, associate vice president, student success; Candace Silas, director, WEI and PATH.

This workshop will begin with a viewing of a live webinar in Sangamon 1102 at 1 p.m., followed by a discussion led by LLCC staff until 2:30 p.m. Those who attend both parts in-person will receive 2 points. Those who attend only the discussion on Teams will be awarded 1 point.

Faculty Development: Beyond Laziness: Uncovering Hidden Barriers to College Success

As faculty, we have all struggled to understand why students miss assignments, don’t come to class, procrastinate when taking exams, etc. Instead of contributing this behavior to laziness or apathy, what if we tried to identify potential barriers that might be precipitating these actions and devise targeted interventions to mitigate their effects? This webinar provides strategies to find, understand, and alleviate potential hidden barriers to student success in higher education.

Join us for, Beyond Laziness: Uncovering Hidden Barriers to College Success, this Thursday, Oct. 10 from 1-2:30 p.m. in Sangamon 1102 or on Teams. Register online.

Presenters include, Ann Armbruster, director, student support services; Alex Berry, associate vice president, student success; Candace Silas, director, WEI and PATH.

This workshop will begin with a viewing of a live webinar in Sangamon 1102 at 1 p.m., followed by a discussion led by LLCC staff until 2:30 p.m. Those who attend both parts in-person will receive 2 points. Those who attend only the discussion on Teams will be awarded 1 point.

Training and Development Opportunity on Oct. 15

LLCC Human Resources is offering a session titled “Finding Joy in Your Work” with David Ziebler on Tuesday, Oct. 15 at 10 a.m. Attendees will explore the keys to rediscovering joy and fulfillment in their professional lives. Whether you’re feeling burnt out, disengaged, or simply looking for ways to enhance your work experience, this training will provide actionable strategies to reconnect with the passion and purpose behind your daily tasks. Complete session details can be found on the HR Portal page. To register for the session, email Kirsten Taylor.

Submit your PDD proposal by noon today!

LLCC’s Fall Professional Development Day will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 5. The Faculty Development Advisory Group is currently seeking proposals for sessions. This call for proposals will close at 12 p.m. today.

Professional Development Day is a great opportunity to share new ideas and teaching success stories, and to explore innovative teaching and learning experiences with your colleagues.

Suggested topics for presentation proposals include:

  • Active Learning
  • AI (Artificial Intelligence)
  • Assessment
  • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice (DEIJ)
  • Online Teaching and Learning
  • Open Educational Resources (OER)
  • Recent research/scholarship work
  • Student Engagement and Motivation
  • Technology Tools for Teaching