A reminder to sign up for CQI Training Sessions

If you have yet to attend a Continuous Quality Improvement training session, there are still some spots available in the sessions listed below. To register, please call 782-7436 or email cctc@llcc.edu.




January 30 & 31, 2014


February 21 & 28, 2014


March 21 & 28, 2014


April 18 & 25, 2014


June 5 & 12, 2014

Christmas bird count/fall bird banding report

LLCC continues to be a mecca for birds. Tony Rothering, professor of biology, conducted a campus bird count on Dec. 22 and recorded:

Great Blue Heron  1

Downy Woodpecker  1

Northern Flicker  1

American Kestrel  1

Song Sparrow  1

Red-tailed Hawk  2

Ring-billed Gull  2

Tufted Titmouse  2

White-breasted Nuthatch  3

American Robin  4

House Finch  4

Red-bellied Woodpecker  5

Black-capped Chickadee  6

Mourning Dove  6

American Goldfinch  7

White-throated Sparrow  10

Northern Cardinal  16

Blue Jay  17

Dark-eyed Junco  47

House Sparrow  60

American Crow  192

European Starling  260

Canada Goose  490

Also, below is a link to the bird banding report for this past fall (2013) as generated by Vern Kleen.  Some of the highlights from Prof. Rothering: we captured 1902 birds of 70 species over 64 banding days (we averaged 30 birds per day).  Our high day was Oct. 18 on which we captured and banded 194 birds (mostly goldfinches)!!  From a cummulative standpoint … after 3 banding seasons (fall 2012, spring and fall 2013), we have captured ~ 3600 birds of 94 species!

Between classes and individuals, we had 200 LLCC students visit and/or assist at the banding station this fall.  We hope this number will continue to grow!

MS — LLCC BBS Fall 2013 Report


LLCC 1st downstate college named StormReady® by NWS; trustees approve concealed carry policy

Lincoln Land Community College was recognized Wednesday night as the first downstate college certified as a StormReady® site by the National Weather Service.

Ed Shimon, lead forecaster with the National Weather Service, presented a plaque to LLCC Board of Trustees Chair Justin Reichert and LLCC Police Chief Brad Gentry, honoring the college’s commitment to preparedness and safety of all individuals on the main campus, Capital City Training Center, Aviation Center and LLCC locations in Jacksonville, Beardstown, Taylorville and Litchfield.  Read  more . . .

A note from Career Development Services

Career Development Services would like to extend a huge thank you to the Writing Center for their generous donation to the students in our SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition and Assistance Program) class.  For the third year in a row the center has donated school supplies, toiletries, gift bags and gift cards to these students.  Your generosity is very appreciated!

New feature on PRM Project Request Form

The Public Relations & Marketing Office has added a feature to the project request form to CC you when it is submitted to our office.  You will now receive an email with a copy of the form as soon as you hit Submit, similar to many other forms the college uses.

Please not that because of this update, a yellow bar may appear at the top of the form the next time you go to fill one out.  Just click to accept the update, and fill it out as usual!

To access the Project Request Form, visit the PRM Portal Page.  Tutorials are also available here under the Shared Documents section, or contact Rose Raikes (6-2218 or rose.raikes@llcc.edu) for assistance.

Posted in PRM |

In the Community

Dr. Chris McDonald, professor of political science, spoke on the Christmas Truce at the “Christmas at the Front” event the evening of Dec. 17 at the Illinois State Military Museum.

Career Development Services offers classroom visits

In the Career Development Services Office we are passionate about helping students choose and prepare for a career path.  We are always looking for ways to connect students to all the services we provide! As you are developing your syllabi and preparing your classes for the spring semester, please keep in mind that we are available to come and speak to your class.  Topics include: career exploration, interest inventories, resume writing, interviewing, job shadowing and internships.  We can even arrange for your students to do the Career Cruising matchmaker during our visit and each student will receive a list of 40 possible careers based on their interests. We visit many classes each semester and would love to add yours to our list! Just e-mail MaryBethRay@llcc.edu to schedule a visit!