In the News

Nicole Swartz, culinary instructor, was quoted in this Valentine’s Day SJ-R article about the benefits of dark chocolate over milk chocolate.

Nancy Sweet, culinary operations manager, was interviewed Feb. 13 for an upcoming FOX  Scene segment on FOX 55.

Please refer potential student leaders to Chris Barry

Dear Colleagues,

Elections for the Student Government are coming up in a few weeks.  As faculty and staff, you interact with students every day, and can serve as the best recruiters for our Student Government Association.  Would you please consider taking a moment to refer students that you believe have leadership potential?  I will send the students you refer a letter indicating  that they have been referred as a potential leader.  I will also include information about the Student Government Association, along with an application to run for office.

Historically, most students only consider running because an instructor, peer or staff person had approached them and encouraged them that they could do it.  Many of our students don’t see themselves as leaders, but when you show them that you believe in them, that can make the difference.  At your earliest convenience could you please refer students that you believe would make good Student Government Representatives?

Chris Barry, Director, Retention & Student Success and Interim Director, Student Life


In the News

Leslie Johnson, director, LLCC-Litchfield & Hillsboro and Tisha Miller, operations analyst, LLCC-Taylorville, Litchfield & Hillsboro were interviewed on the WSMI-AM “Wednesday Morning Talkshow” on Wednesday, February 12. They discussed preparing for the upcoming summer and fall semesters (including applying for financial aid and the LLCC Foundation scholarships), new courses being offered at LLCC-Litchfield in the summer and fall and upcoming events at LLCC-Litchfield & Hillsboro.

Laurie Clemons, academic advisor, was interviewed Feb. 7 regarding African-American History Month activities.

Trutter Museum to host 1st Thursday Speakers Series March 6

The LLCC Philip and Mary Kathryn Trutter Museum will present its 1st Thursday Speakers Series Thursday, March 6 at 7 p.m. in the Trutter Center.  The event features local experts discussing various aspects of architecture. Speakers include Charles Joseph Pell, AIA, of Charles Joseph Pell Architects, Inc. in Springfield and Dave Leonatti, AIA, of Melotte, Morse, Leonatti, Parker, Ltd. in Springfield.

View the full story to learn more about the presentations!

Faculty and Administrators: It’s Time to Order Regalia for Commencement!

Faculty and administrators who participated in Commencement previously: please let us know of any changes in your information before we order this year’s regalia.  Faculty and administrators who are new this year, we will need the following information:  height, highest degree earned, field of study, institution where earned, location of that institution.  If you are planning to retire before Commencement or know that you’ll be unable to attend this year’s ceremony, please let us know that so we don’t order a set of regalia for you.  Contact Susan Mendenhall at 6-2424 or if you have questions or need to provide ordering information.  The deadline is February 20.

Lincoln’s Birthday events planned for Today

Kathryn HarrisThe 6th Annual Lincoln Lecture today will feature Kathryn Harris, library services director, Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library, portraying Mary Todd Lincoln’s seamstress and confidante Elizabeth Keckley in a presentation called “Behind the Scenes With the Lincoln Family.” The presentation begins at 9am in the Trutter Center.

Also today, an unveiling ceremony for a new Lincoln stamp takes place at 1pm at the Old State Capitol. The new stamp features an image of the Lincoln Memorial. The LLCC Choir, under the direction of Sue Hamilton, will perform during the stamp ceremony.

Celebrate Lincoln’s Birthday with the Logger Activities Board! Come to the A. Lincoln Commons from 9-11am to get some free treats made by the LLCC Epicurean Club and participate in our fun events:

  • Lincoln Log Cabin building contest (with Lincoln Logs of course)-Students, staff and faculty can build creative, Lincoln houses and we are going to judge them on creativity and give prizes out.
  • Lincoln…In Pictures-Display a variety of historical pictures of Lincoln and have students come up with captions for the photos (we will judge on: historical accuracy, originality, humor, etc.).

Other activities are also planned at other LLCC locations; click HERE for the entire list.



Congratulations to these Pearson Master Teacher nominees!

Twenty eligible nominations were received for the 2014 Drs. Raymond and Ann Pearson Master Teacher Award.  Congratulations to:

  • Colette D’Cruz-Endeley, Professor, Economics
  • Jason Dockter, Associate Professor, English
  • Suellen Funk, Professor, Nursing
  • Peggy Goetsch, Professor, Biology
  • Bill Harmon, Professor, Agronomy
  • John Mark Henry, Professor Mathematics
  • John Paul Henry, Professor, Mathematics
  • Beth Hoffmann, Professor, Speech
  • Paul Hudson, Professor, Business
  • Tim Humphrey, Professor, Education
  • Theresa Kanoza, Professor, English
  • Katie McAfee, Associate Professor, Accounting
  • Janet Moulton, Assistant Professor, Nursing
  • Jim Pierce, Professor, Engineering
  • Samantha Reif, Assistant Professor, Geosciences
  • David Reynolds, Professor, Sociology
  • David Sack, Professor, Mathematics
  • John Vinzant, Professor, Political Science
  • Tara Walk, Assistant Professor, Criminal Justice
  • Beth Wiediger, Professor, Psychology

The Pearsons, longtime Springfield physicians, made the award possible through a generous contribution to the LLCC Foundation.  The award annually recognizes an exceptional full-time, faculty member for his or her professional contributions to LLCC.  The 2014 award recipient will be announced at the annual faculty and staff recognition ceremony later this spring.