REMINDER: End of Fiscal Year 2014 Deadlines

As we are rapidly approaching the end of another fiscal year, I wanted to send out a reminder to help facilitate your end of year spending.  Please note the following dates:

Last date for all major purchases —————————————-April 25, 2014

Last date Purchase Orders will be issued——————————–May 29, 2014

Last date to order items on a Blanket Purchase Order——————————–May 29, 2014

Last date to process payments on a Blanket Purchase Order——June 12, 2014

Grant purchases————  above dates apply to grants ending June 30, 2014

This attached memo that can be printed for your reference outlines the details about specific items due on the above dates.

L.E.A.G.U.E. Campaign Ending Friday, April 25!

The 2014 edition of the LLCC Faculty and Staff Giving Campaign will soon be coming to a close and we invite you to join the team in support of our students!

Thanks to all our generous faculty and staff for their donations of more than $51,000 to the 2014 LEAGUE campaign…and for all you do every day on behalf of our students.  There’s still time to join the LEAGUE and help us reach our goal of $52,000!

If you still wish to give, stop by the Foundation, level one Menard Hall, or give us a call at 6-2785.  As an incentive, you may be eligible for $150 cash gift, donated by the President and Cabinet, by selecting payroll deduction.  How easy is that?

Funds from this campaign go directly to support LLCC students through scholarships, grants and more.  As a donor, you choose where the money goes.  The LLCC Foundation realizes you have choices in what charities you choose to support and given the ever increasing demands on individual and family budgets, please know how grateful we are that you’ve chosen the students of LLCC.

As a small token of thanks, the L.E.A.G.U.E campaign offers some gifts at various giving levels.  (based on 24 pay periods per year)

  • $20 per pay – All incentives (or annual gift of $480)
  • $10 per pay – Coleman cooler (or annual gift of $240)
  • $7 per pay – L.E.A.G.U.E. short-sleeved T-shirt (or annual gift of $240)
  • $5 per pay – Barrel coffee mug (or annual gift of $120)
  • $3 per pay – USB car charger (or annual gift of $72)
  • $1 per pay – Power clip (or annual gift of $24)

Thanks to everyone who has joined in the fun of the 2014 L.E.A.G.U.E. Campaign.  Giving truly begins here, with our own.  Thank you for your outstanding support!

Retirement Celebrations coming up!

This week join in a retirement celebration for Rich Vertrees, Vice President, Administrative Services, between 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 24. Please note that the event has been moved to the Student Union.

Please join in a farewell to Tyra Taylor, associate vice president, Enrollment Services, at her retirement party Friday, April 25, in the Student Life Office Club Room. Drop in anytime between 2-4 for punch, cookies and cake.

Next Monday, April 28, Admissions & Records staff will host an open house from 2 to 4 p.m. in the Records Office to celebrate Ron Gregoire‘s years of service to the college.

Also, a reception will be held Tuesday, April 29th from 2:00-3:30 in the R.H. Stephens Room to honor Bob Smith, Information Technology Specialist, in his retirement.

On Friday, May 9,  2-4 p.m., the Arts & Humanities Department is hosting a retirement celebration in the James S. Murray Gallery for four faculty retirees: Jeri Buckner, Mary Fortner, Theresa Kanoza, Jean Ladendorf and Bill McCall.

LLCC celebrates Earth Week April 21-25

Recycle your athletic shoes and small appliances, receive a free book (faculty), take a green pledge, see displays, enjoy solar snacks, tour the bird banding station and attend the unveiling of the LEED plaque for the Workforce Careers Center!

Tuesday, April 22

10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Solar snacks outside A. Lincoln Commons

10 a.m. – 2 p.m.  Free book for faculty “147 Tips for Teaching Sustainability: Connecting the Environment, the Economy, and Society,” A. Lincoln Commons

10 a.m. Bird banding tour with Professor Tony Rothering begins in front of  A. Lincoln Commons.

12:30 – 1:30 p.m. Environmental Club presentation “Everyday Living: The Green Way,” A. Lincoln Commons

5:30 p.m. “Earth Day Dinner” in Bistro Verde, $59, reservations required at 786.2432

8:30-9:30 p.m. LLCC “Lights Out” Challenge Turn off lights, computer, TV or whatever is plugged in.

Wednesday, April 23

10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Solar snacks outside A. Lincoln Commons

10 a.m. – 2 p.m.  Free book for faculty, A. Lincoln Commons

4-4:45 p.m. Green Celebration featuring unveiling of LEED plaque by LLCC Trustees at 4:30, solar snacks and displays, Workforce Careers Center foyer

All week

­Repurposed art display, small electronics and athletic shoe recycling drive, Green Your City pledge, A. Lincoln Commons

 Bird banding station open sunrise-11 a.m.

Green Cities cardboard display by the Library

Plastic bag recycling and Green Your City pledge, LLCC-Taylorville

Teracycle program and Green Your City pledge, LLCC-Litchfield

Comedian in Commons, cookie sale today

Today, comedian Ryan Reiss will perform from 11:45am-1:15pm in A. Lincoln Commons! Ryan Reiss is a stand up comedian, writer and actor based in New York City. He can be seen daily entertaining Fox studio audiences for the “Mike Huckabee Show,” “Fox & Friends,” M & J Morning show, “Center Stage” on the Yes Network and is currently working on the Seth Myers show.

Also, Bistro Verde is selling cookies made by Baking students TODAY 12:30-2:30 in the Baking Lab, Workforce Careers Center. Assorted cookies including chocolate chip, sugar, peanut butter, toffee, and a variety of others will be for sale for $3/dozen. Cash only, please.


In the News

Joanie Rogers, Foundation and alumni services coordinator, and honors student Tyler Mathews, were interviewed April 17 for an upcoming SJR article on the Be a Hero organ donation campaign.

Minutes from recent Team meetings

At the March 17 Environmental Health & Safety Team meeting, discussion was held regarding rooms for nursing mothers and adding bag hooks to Library restrooms.  View the full minutes to read about these topics and more.

The Curriculum Team met on March 28.  Click HERE to view the recommendations that came out of that meeting.

The Sustainability Team met April 1 to finalize plans for Earth Week activities as well as discuss projects related to the prairie restoration area.  Click HERE for details in the full minutes.



In the News

Leslie Stalter, associate professor of art, was interviewed for this story in the State Journal-Register about the Student Art Show. Reception is tonight from 5:30-7:30 in the Murray Gallery with everyone invited.

Jonestown survivor Deborah Layton relayed her harrowing story of life in the People’s Temple cult in Guyana during a presentation April 16 in the Trutter Center.  Ms. Layton escaped just months before the mass suicide of cult members. She was interviewed by WTAX Radio on morning and evening shows, and by the SJ-R.

Submit Room Reservations using VEMS

Facilities Services Department requests that staff and faculty use VEMS to browse and submit all room requests for space on main campus for classrooms, meetings, and events. (Please note: This excludes roll-over classes and academic scheduling inquires.)

What is VEMS ? EMS – Event Management System Software – is the scheduling software owned (and recently updated) by LLCC to manage buildings, classrooms and event space throughout LLCC.   VEMS is “virtual” EMS, a quick online link that easily allows all staff to view room and date availability.

Why VEMS ?  VEMS makes planning your use of space on main campus easier by allowing YOU to browse or search space through the Event Schedule online.  You will have access to the information when you need it, as you are planning.  Go one step further and log-in to VEMS with your User Name/Password (most staff already have these – if not, please request it from the Reservations Technician) and you can book, ‘pending review’, your event with a few clicks online.  Using VEMS makes it easier to request space, reserve equipment, and confirm your event details with Facilities Services.

VEMS Access ? Use this link to access the newly updated VEMS:  Virtual EMS

Need more information ?  If you have not used the VEMS software before and would like to do so, you can view FAQ’s by clicking here and then open the file.  Click these Instructional videos links to Browse for Space, Create a Login ID, Reserve a Room and Edit/Cancel a Reservation.

Questions or need to request a User Name and Password?  Please contact the Facilities Reservation Technician, Julie McKinney.