Thank you from Joe Hoff

I wanted to thank so many of you for your support, prayers, cards and many acts
of kindness following the recent death of my father.  I was very touched by your thoughtfulness, and it made me grateful to be part of such a supportive and caring community.

In the News

Tisha Miller, operations analyst at LLCC Taylorville, Litchfield and Hillsboro, was interviewed yesterday on the “Ask a Professional” program on WTIM radio.

FOX 55 did three live remotes from LLCC yesterday morning for the Good Day program. They interviewed LLCC student Tucker Aumann about Google Glass, which he is beta testing.

Revision to Board Policy 6.12

The Board of Trustees has  approved a revision to Policy 6.12 – Disposal of Capital Assets.  The change to this policy is to place a threshold on items that require board authorization to sell or dispose of, based on the estimated market value of the item.  This change will allow the College to promptly dispose of surplus and obsolete items that can no longer be of use to the College.

In the News

The Green Celebration, featuring an unveiling of the new LEED Silver plaque in the Workforce Careers Center, was covered by WICS. Board Chair Justin Reichert was interviewed.

Deadline Reminders

 Friday, April 25 is the last date for all major purchases

Major purchases for equipment, material, or supplies should be placed.

An on-line requisition must be done, approved by corresponding Budget Manager(s), with correct account number(s), and forwarded to the Purchasing Department.

L.E.A.G.U.E. Campaign also ends Friday, April 25!

Thanks to all our generous faculty and staff for their donations of more than $51,000 to the 2014 LEAGUE campaign…and for all you do every day on behalf of our students.  There’s still time to join the LEAGUE and help us reach our goal of $52,000!

If you still wish to give, stop by the Foundation, level one Menard Hall, or give us a call at 6-2785.  As an incentive, you may be eligible for $150 cash gift, donated by the President and Cabinet, by selecting payroll deduction.  How easy is that?

Happening Today: Green Celebration, Board Meeting, & Student Life Events

Join us for a Green Celebration 4-4:45 p.m. in the Workforce Careers Center!  The event will feature solar-powered snacks and displays by the Environmental Club and Sustainability Team with an unveiling of the LEED plaque by LLCC Trustees at 4:30.

LLCC Board of Trustees meets at 5  p.m. in the R.H. Stephens Room. Click HERE for the agenda.

There are also many Student Life events today: French Club Bake Sale, 7:30 a.m.-noon, Student Union; Fatal Vision Goggles (a Soberfest event), 9:30-11:30 a.m, A. Lincoln Commons; Grant Edmonds Game Show, 11:30 a.m.-2 p.m., A. Lincoln Commons.

In the News

Tony Rothering, professor of biology, and students were photographed at the bird banding station yesterday. The photos appear on the City/State section cover of the State Journal-Register today.

On FOX-55 Good Day Thursday morning between 7-9, LLCC student Tucker Aumann will talk about his work as a beta tester for Google Glass. He was interviewed on campus April 22. Also commenting on the device were students Ashley Lawrence, Byron Lewis and Anthony Hagele. Reporter Michelle London will do live remotes from LLCC Thursday morning, introducing the segments involving Tucker.

Mary Beth Ray, director, Career Development Services, penned this essay, “The Importance of Confidence When Job Searching”for the State Journal Register Job Fair page April 21.

WAND-TV interviewed Julie Rourke, director of workforce development, on LLCC Earth Day activities yesterday.

Jessica Ingold, youth program coordinator, was a guest on WTAX yesterday discussing College for Kids and Community Education.

In honor of National Grilled Cheese Month, Nancy Sweet, culinary operations manager, prepared a grilled pimento cheese sandwich on the WICS Midday program April 21. Click HERE for the recipe!