“It’s the Finals Countdown” activities continue

The Logger Activities Board is hosting fun “It’s the Finals Countdown” events for students this week. Please encourage students to attend. Take a break to join them today at the labyrinth!

Walking Meditation

Thursday, Dec. 5, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Trutter Center
Labyrinth walking can calm anxieties and clear your mind. A labyrinth isn’t a trick — it’s not a maze but one path toward the center and another back out. Stop by for a few minutes to walk and take some deep breaths. No shoes are allowed on the labyrinth but don’t worry, you can grab some fuzzy socks from the basket nearby and they’ll be yours to keep!

“Bubble” Wrap-It-Up!

Friday, Dec. 6, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in A. Lincoln Commons
There will be bubble tea and bubble popping stress relief to wrap up the week!