Choosing a Health Care Career Workgroup meets today

The fourth of five LLCC workgroups, inspired by convocation, meets today, Oct. 10 from 1-3 p.m. in Kreher Agriculture Center, Room 1117.

Choosing a Health Care Career: Pathways & Entry Barriers

The need for health care providers is increasing in a post-COVID world that has led to a decrease in those choosing health care careers. That means that we need to promote pathways and career opportunities in those fields while also reducing/eliminating barriers to enrollment. This does not mean reducing quality, but it does mean we need to make entry for qualified applicants more seamless and demonstrate that our programs should be the health care programs of choice throughout our district.

Co-chairs: Dr. Leigh Giles-Brown, Dr. Bryan Goers
Cabinet Liaison: Karen Sanders
Kick-off Meeting: Oct. 10, 1-3 p.m., Kreher Agriculture Center, Room 1117

All LLCC colleagues are encouraged to join a workgroup that interests them. Diverse input helps ensure that decisions are well-rounded and consider the needs of the entire campus community. See the message from Dr. Charlotte Warren and the entire list of kick-off meetings.