LLCC Giving Day thank you

LLCC Giving Day. November 15, 2023Thank you to everyone who participated in LLCC’s Giving Day yesterday. Giving Day is designed to share the college’s mission while raising funds in support of students and programs through online resources.

Gifts provide opportunity — the opportunity to innovate and provide maximum flexibility for the college to meet our current priorities. With your help, we can develop groundbreaking programs, invest in essential resources and nurture the seeds of positive change.

Flexed arm with the text, LLCC I Gave. Give strong. #LLCCGivingDayWe are close to reaching our goal of 100 donors, but we need your help. Make a gift online at or in-person in the Foundation and receive an I Gave flex emoji re-usable sticker.

Thanks to everyone who shared information about Giving Day on social media, by email and to those who already made a gift. What a wonderful show of support for our students during this season of giving! #LLCCgivingday