October observances

Domestic Violence Awareness Month: Every1KnowsSome1

Domestic Violence Awareness Month was launched in October 1987 to increase awareness. It is also a great time to highlight the available resources and remind survivors they are supported.

This year’s theme is Every1KnowsSome1, which means domestic violence impacts everyone in our community. During the next month, we will be hosting events and sharing information to help you learn more about domestic violence and who it affects, pledge to end domestic violence and provide opportunities to support survivors.

Week of Oct. 2

Join the LLCC community in wearing a purple ribbon

The display of purple ribbons throughout a community conveys a powerful message that there’s no place for domestic violence in the homes, neighborhoods, workplaces or schools of its citizens (www.dvawareness.org). Stop by the Info Desk in A. Lincoln Commons, Student Life, Student Success or an Outreach Center to pick up a purple ribbon to bring awareness to domestic violence.

Week of Oct. 9

Pledge to End Domestic Violence

Online and virtual pledges will be available. Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to volunteer for our Take a Stand event on Thursday, Oct. 12 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Week of Oct. 16

Purple Thursday

Thursday, Oct. 19 is Purple Thursday. Wear purple (or dye your hair) and show your support for those who are currently experiencing or have experienced domestic violence.

Week of Oct. 23

Supporting survivors and honoring those whose lives ended prematurely due to domestic violence

LLCC Compliance & Prevention and Student Life are seeking donations for Sojourn Shelter & Services Inc. They need shampoo, conditioner, soap, dental products and razors for those staying in their shelter. Donations can be dropped off in Student Life, Student Success or any Outreach Center.

Also, save the date for Sojourn’s Silent Witness program on Wednesday, Oct. 25  from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Week of Oct. 30

October’s ending but let’s continue the support

Even though Domestic Violence Awareness Month is ending, you can still continue to provide support. Learn about ways to continue the support all year long.

October health and wellness observances

During the month of October, watch for information on the following topics and events:

  • National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
  • World Mental Health Day
  • Employee Health and Wellness Fair
  • Depression Awareness Month

Visit the Health and Wellness tab on the HR portal for new information each week and details about events on campus.