LLCC’s HLC accreditation approved!

Accredited. Higher Learning Commission. Verify Status Here. 20 MAR 2023.I want to thank all of you for your work that has continued to move this college forward and the work that we do for students, and especially those who contributed to the actual document and participated in meetings with the accreditation team. Finally a super LOUD shout out to Dr. Tricia Kujawa, assistant vice president, institutional research and effectiveness, for her steady hand and guidance in getting us across the finish line! – Dr. Charlotte Warren, LLCC President

The letter of approval is below:

Higher Learning Commission logo. 230 South LaSalle Street, Suite 7-500, Chicago, IL 60604, 312.263.0456, 800.621.7440, fax: 312.263.7462,
March 3, 2023
Dr. Charlotte Warren
Lincoln Land Community College
5250 Shepherd Rd.
Springfield, Illinois 62794-9256

Dear President Warren:
This letter serves as formal notification and official record of action taken concerning Lincoln Land Community College by the Institutional Actions Council of the Higher Learning Commission at its meeting on February 27-28, 2023. The date of this action constitutes the effective date of the institution’s new status with HLC.

Action. IAC concurred with the evaluation findings and voted to affirm the institution’s eligibility to select the Standard or Open Pathway for reaffirmation of accreditation.

In taking this action, the IAC considered materials from the most recent evaluation and the institutional response (if applicable) to the evaluation findings.

Attached to this letter is information on selecting and declaring a pathway within the timeline provided. The materials include links to information on the Standard and Open Pathways. HLC does not make public an institution’s Pathway determination or selection. Institutions’ Pathway designations will not appear on the Institutional Status and Requirements Report.

If you have any questions about the institution’s transition to a pathway, please contact Tom Bordenkircher, the institution’s staff liaison. Thank you for your cooperation.

Barbara Gellman-Danley