Thank you!

A huge thank you goes out to all the employees who worked so hard to make the fall 2022 Professional Development Day a success!

Presenters: Carmen Allen, Anne Armbruster, Lisa Avendano, Nikki Baker, Aaron Berkowitz, Shanda Byer, Justin Cobb, Dave Cox, Brian Douglas, Tiffany Elliott, John Freml, Bryan Goers, Sarah Goodman, Matthew Griffin, Claire Heffron-McKinney, Mark Hopper, Bridgette Hudson, Joi Kazenski, Barry Lamb, Clayton Mason, Becky Miller, Stacey Olson, Becky Parton, Caitlin Perry, Tony Rothering, Rihab Sawah, Sarah Scheufele, Rick Schnetzler, Matt Schownir, Matt Shaver, Al Shull, Karen Sisk, Leslie Stalter, Colin Suchland, Tiffany Sunderlin, Cara Swafford, Kirsten Taylor and Thom Whalen

Planning committee members:  Nikki Baker, Whitney Brandenburg, Laurel Bretz, Justin Cobb, Rhilee Cochran, Gailyn Draper, Tiffany Elliott, Angie Gum, Kerry Harden, Carrie Henry, Sarah Laurent, Tim McKenzie, Tisha Miller, Becky Parton, Nicole Ralph, Rihab Sawah, Rick Schnetzler, Karen Sisk and Kirsten Taylor

Without all of their efforts, this day could not have happened. Thank you!