Message from Dr. Charlotte Warren: Upcoming PACE Climate Survey — your input is needed

Every three years the college administers a climate survey to capture perceptions of the college environment and inform us on what we are doing well and what could be improved. We will be conducting such a survey, the PACE Climate Survey for Community Colleges, this fall. The survey will open on Tuesday, Nov. 1, and be available through Wednesday, Nov. 23.

We are committed to a constant process of internal review and analysis to guide our quality improvement efforts. One significant way we can work to enhance our campus climate is to listen to and take action on your views regarding its various factors. The PACE reports position us to better understand our campus environment as it relates to institutional structure, supervisory relationships, teamwork and focus on students. It also provides a way for us to assess the effectiveness of our initiatives and measure growth or change over time.

I understand that honest communication can sometimes feel difficult to provide. That is why we work to ensure your anonymity. The Belk Center for Community College Leadership and Research at North Carolina State University will administer the survey and provide the college aggregated results. So please be candid in answering these questions. Honest and constructive communication is critical in our process of identifying priority areas on which to focus.

You will receive an email invite from Belk Center to participate in the PACE survey next week. When the survey is completed and the data compiled, results will be reviewed by various groups and shared with the campus community.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete the survey. Your input is very much appreciated.

Charlotte Warren, Ph.D.
President, Lincoln Land Community College