Message from the President: “Be the one”

Be the one. 100 years. United Way of Central Illinois.
On Monday, Oct. 24, LLCC will launch its annual, two-week United Way campaign. The critical work of United Way in our community is near and dear to my heart, as it closely aligns with the values of LLCC. United Way works to address the basic needs, education, financial stability and health of every person in our community. Please consider a gift that will be spread among more than 30 local social service programs. You can also designate your donation to one or more organizations or charities. LLCC supports the United Way campaign and makes payroll deduction available to all employees who participate. Incentives for donors include a jeans day of your choosing and chance to win gift cards to local restaurants and stores.

Be the one who makes a difference!

Learn more and donate on the LLCC United Way donation page.

Thank you,

Charlotte Warren, Ph.D.
President, Lincoln Land Community College