LEAGUE Campaign and Where Around Campus Is Linc?

Answer to Monday’s question

After enjoying a great lunch at the Bistro Verde, Linc headed here for a quiet place to study. Where on campus is Linc? Answer: Linc is in the stacks in the library.

Today’s edition

Linc in a blue room with a cabinet that has a globe on topLinc can make appearances by request. All you have to do is contact this office to schedule. Where on campus is Linc? Submit your answer to: LLCCFoundation@llcc.edu for a chance to win a prize.

Congratulations to past winners Kim Young and Kirk Yenerall.

LEAGUE Campaign plans

All faculty and staff are invited to join the LEAGUE Committee on Tuesday, March 29. Adventure awaits in our “Around the World” theme LEAGUE kickoff event. The fun and festivities will start at 11:30 a.m. in A. Lincoln Commons where travelers can pick up their passports, lunch ticket and a free car wash, compliments of Car Wash City.