Welcome back from LLCC Office of Student Success

Greetings from LLCC Student Success! We wanted to take the opportunity to remind faculty and staff how to assist students needing mental health support.

Students need emotional and mental health support to help them stay on track with their goals and to feel connected to faculty and staff. We wanted to remind you that LLCC has partnered with Talkspace, a tele-mental health provider to offer students free, confidential counseling services. Students were sent information about how to access this service the first week of classes. Please encourage any student in need of mental health support to reach out to their success coach so that we can provide them with community resource and Talkspace information. Additionally, Student Success shares information about mental health and wellness on our webpage: www.llcc.edu/mental-health-and-wellness.

We can also provide classroom presentations on mental health and support services. For more information about this service, please call 217-786-2242 and ask for Alex, Melissa or Claire.

We, as an institution, have been through so much in the last year, but we’ve made it through and that is because we supported each other and our students. Thank you for all you do!

If you, as a faculty member or staff member, are needing support, please remember that LLCC provides access to the Employee Assistance Program. For more information, please visit: https://llcconline.sharepoint.com/HR2/SitePages/Employee-Assistance-Program-(EAP)-Services.as

We hope everyone has a great semester! Stop by and see us in Student Success or email at success@llcc.edu.