Latest edition of FORWARD

Lincoln Land Community College FORWARD Magazine April 2021. Picture yourself at LLCC Lincoln Land Community College.The latest edition of FORWARD magazine will soon be arriving in mailboxes throughout the LLCC district and is now available online! Read articles about LLCC Admission and Registration Service Representative Rashawn Jones‘ inspiring story of persistence, success coaches — a student’s go-to resource, Phi Theta Kappa, preparing leaders, respiratory therapists — saving lives on the front lines, upgrading a career with new online certificates, how the Workforce Equity Initiative is changing lives and building futures, tips from LLCC Applied and Emerging Technology experts, how LLCC helps families afford college, the LLCC Foundation Loyalty Circle, the NEA Big Read Sanagmon County and more. There is also a list of all LLCC degrees, certificates and short-term training opportunities as well as summer classes and Community Education classes.