Office 365 – OneDrive – Share a File or Folder

How do you share a file or folder from your OneDrive account? You can share only to active LLCC email accounts with an email and the link to the document or by creating a hyperlink to post in an email, on a webpage or with your Blackboard course.

Select the document by clicking to the left of the name. To the far right, Click on Share in the menu. Add People via email address to the right. You can then choose to give Edit or View permissions.

From within an open document, click on Share in the upper right corner. The default sharing method is Invite People. Here you will enter individual LLCC Email addresses. The file option is defaulted with Edit, but you can change to View only permissions. Type in a note to the recipient(s) and click Share.

Should you choose to post a hyperlink to your document, you will select the Get Link. You must choose one of the three options for sharing permissions.

  • Restricted – recipient opens the link and then must request permission to view. Permissions must be granted by file owner. You will receive an Email notification of the request to view and allow sharing access.
  • View Link – recipient can open the document as Read-Only and can forward this onto other LLCC email accounts.
  • Edit Link – recipient can open, edit and forward the document onto other LLCC email accounts.

After choosing the permission option that best meets your need, click on Create. Copy the hyperlink and then paste into an Email message (you can send this to a distribution group within your Email Contacts list using this method) or specific course location in Blackboard. Files remained shared until you stop sharing. Create a new hyperlink if you wish to share the document again at a later date and post accordingly.

Stop Sharing or change the sharing permissions on a file or folder at any time. Selecting the file or folder within OneDrive and to the right, click on Shared. A list will appear to the right with the individuals shared with and permissions. Click on the Can Edit or Can View beneath the individual’s name and choose a different permission or Stop Sharing. To stop sharing with all, click on the Share option in the menu after selecting the file or folder. Click on Share With in the window and then Stop Sharing. This will prompt you for a confirmation.

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What is OneDrive?

OneDrive is part of Office 365 and is an online (cloud) file storage application. You are provided with 1TB of storage space for files, photos, etc. Your files can be shared with others, are accessible from any device connected to the Internet and even collaborate with others on your Office documents at the same time while editing the document in the browser.

With Office 365, you can create a document on your office or home computer, save it to OneDrive and edit the same file on another device. No need to email it to yourself or save a copy to a thumb drive. All applications available can be used on-line across multiple platforms (PC/Mac, tablet, iPad, smartphone). 

There are two ways to access Office 365, OneDrive and other online applications. Log into your LLCC Email account via the web (, My LLCC, Email) click on the apps icon (waffle) or the Office 365 link in the upper left of the window. You can access this directly at login with your LLCC Email address. If prompted, choose the Work or School Account option.

After the Spring 2017 semester, LLCC will be converting to this data storage system in place of the current network folder structure. 

View the workshop schedule for upcoming classes in Office 365 and OneDrive offered by Academic Innovation and eLearning and/or browse the Microsoft Office Training Center 

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What Is OneDrive?

OneDrive is part of Office 365 and is an online (cloud) file storage application. You are provided with 1TB of storage space for files, photos, etc. Your files can be shared with others, are accessible from any device connected to the Internet and even collaborate with others on your Office documents at the same time while editing the document in the browser.

With Office 365, you can create a document on your office or home computer, save it to OneDrive and edit the same file on another device. No need to email it to yourself or save a copy to a thumb drive. All applications available can be used on-line across multiple platforms (PC/Mac, tablet, iPad, smartphone). 

There are two ways to access Office 365, OneDrive and other online applications. Log into your LLCC Email account via the web (, My LLCC, Email) click on the apps icon (waffle) or the Office 365 link in the upper left of the window. You can access this directly at login with your LLCC Email address. If prompted, choose the Work or School Account option.

After the Spring 2017 semester, LLCC will be converting to this data storage system in place of the current network folder structure. 

View the Academic Innovations and eLearning workshop schedule for upcoming classes in Office 365 and OneDrive and/or browse the Microsoft Office Training Center.  

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EMS Campus reservation system upgraded

Please note the following updates for the three EMS applications. Users who need to reserve rooms, check room schedules, or to plan room usage should use the following URLs:

VEMS is now EMS Web App (Event Planning)
VEMS users please copy and save this link to the new EMS Web App: (replaces VirtualEMS). It is also available under Faculty/Staff on MyLLCC. You should be able to log on with your original User ID/Password provided. (User ID is your LLCC email address.) Contact Julie McKinney if you have questions.

EMS Campus Planning Interface (Academic Planning)
EMS Campus Planning Interface has also received some updates and a new link. EMS Campus Planning Interface users please copy and save this new link:

If you are an administrator and have an EMS desktop application and have not already been upgraded, please contact the ITS helpdesk for assistance.

Winter break maintenance notice from IT

IT will be performing network maintenance at the following times:

  • 12/28/2016 – 10 p.m. to 11:59 p.m.
  • 12/29/2016 – 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Also, a planned power outage will take place at the following time:

  • 12/30/2016 – 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

During the times listed above all LLCC network services and resources will be unavailable including internet connectivity, website, Blackboard and WebAdvisor. Office 365 services, including Mail and OneDrive will also be unavailable.

In addition, phone service will be unavailable during the power outage.

Please contact the IT Service Desk for additional information at Ext.62555 or

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What is OneDrive

OneDrive is part of Office 365 and is an online (cloud) file storage application. You are provided with 1TB of storage space for files, photos, etc. Your files can be shared with others, are accessible from any device connected to the Internet and even collaborate with others on your Office documents at the same time while editing the document in the browser.

With Office 365, you can create a document on your office or home computer, save it to OneDrive and edit the same file on another device. No need to email it to yourself or save a copy to a thumb drive. All applications available can be used on-line across multiple platforms (PC/Mac, tablet, iPad, smartphone).

There are two ways to access Office 365, OneDrive and other online applications. Log into your LLCC Email account via the web, My LLCC, Email) click on the apps icon (waffle) or the Office 365 link in the upper left of the window. You can access this directly at and login with your LLCC Email address. If prompted, choose the Work or School Account option.

After the Spring 2017 semester, LLCC will be converting to this data storage system in place of the current network folder structure.

View the Academic Innovations and eLearning workshop schedule for upcoming classes in Office 365 and OneDrive and/or browse the Microsoft Office Training Center

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LLCC is launching a new emergency notification system this Wednesday, Dec. 7, called LLCC ALERT. The LLCC ALERT system allows the college to communicate with you by text, phone and email in the case of an emergency, as well as severe weather and other closures. Current employees and students are automatically enrolled in LLCC ALERT.

We strongly encourage you to visit and log in with your LLCC user name and password to check your current contact information and manage how you receive emergency notifications. LLCC ALERT uses the information about you currently stored in the college’s Colleague system, and this information may need updating. Please add your office phone number if it is not listed, and make any other revisions needed.

You will receive an email today and tomorrow with this same information, urging you to check your current contact information at On Wednesday, you will receive a test message from LLCC ALERT. You will then receive a follow-up email to make sure you received the test message.

LLCC ALERT employs the RAVE system used successfully by colleges and universities nationwide, and replaces the current LLCC Connect emergency notification system.

Note: Updating your contact information in LLCC ALERT will NOT update that information in Colleague. To update your information in Colleague, please contact Human Resources.

IT conducting network Maintenance Nov. 25

LLCC computer network will be unavailable Friday November 25th from 10:00pm – 11:59pm due to maintenance performed by IT.  Network resources including Website, Blackboard and WebAdvisor will not be accessible as this maintenance occurs.

Please contact the IT Service Desk with any questions at Ext. 62555 or

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Colleague/WebAdvisor maintenance over night

Colleague and Webadvisor will be unavailable from 11 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 4 to noon on Saturday, Nov. 5. The Colleague environment will be moved to a new server.  Nothing will change in Colleague or WebAdvisor due to the move and the transition will be transparent to Colleague users.

If you have any questions, contact the IT Service Desk at 786-2555.

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Maintenance to cause internet outage over weekend

Internet connectivity will be unavailable Saturday, Oct. 1 from 12 a.m.-1 a.m. due to maintenance performed by LLCC’s main internet service provider.  Network resources including website, Blackboard and WebAdvisor will not be accessible as this maintenance occurs.

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