Today’s AIeL Workshop: Introduction to H5P

AIeL presents “Introduction to H5P” with John Freml, director of faculty development, Andy Mitkos, director of academic technology systems and Gary Bach, academic technology support specialist today from noon to 1 p.m. on Microsoft Teams.

Introduction to H5P registration

H5P is a new tool licensed by LLCC for faculty and staff that allows users to create, share and reuse interactive and engaging educational content including quizzes, games, presentations, interactive videos and images, learning paths and more. In this interactive introductory workshop, participants will learn more about this exciting tool, see a demo of how to integrate it into Canvas courses and have an opportunity to build something in H5P to share with others. Additionally, participants will see a demonstration of how SoftChalk lessons can be archived to aid in the transition to H5P. This workshop will be repeated multiple times throughout the semester and will be recorded for participants to reference as needed. An in-person AIeL Open Lab will follow each H5P workshop two days later at the same time, for anyone who desires further support.

Faculty participants will receive one point toward their Training and Innovation professional development total for successful completion of this workshop.


Educator Trauma: Dangers Plaguing Educators In and Out of the Classroom

Monday, Feb. 5, 2024, 1-2 p.m. | Register for the webinar

The return to the classroom by teachers and students, post pandemic, has brought a rise of challenges and dangers to educators that compound an already stressful career. Educators at every level have seen and reported an increase of physical and mental abuse at their campuses at the hands of students, parents, and even other staff members. Join in a candid conversation on the research surrounding this matter and what can be done to ensure the safety of everyone on our campuses.

Note: You will need to have a NISOD account to register for the webinar. If you do not have a NISOD account, you may create one using your LLCC email address.


Educator Trauma: Dangers Plaguing Educators In and Out of the Classroom

Monday, Feb. 5, 2024, 1-2 p.m. | Register for the webinar

The return to the classroom by teachers and students, post pandemic, has brought a rise of challenges and dangers to educators that compound an already stressful career. Educators at every level have seen and reported an increase of physical and mental abuse at their campuses at the hands of students, parents, and even other staff members. Join in a candid conversation on the research surrounding this matter and what can be done to ensure the safety of everyone on our campuses.

Note: You will need to have a NISOD account to register for the webinar. If you do not have a NISOD account, you may create one using your LLCC email address.

Today’s AIeL Workshop: Student Rapport and Motivation

AIeL presents “Student Rapport and Motivation” with Dr. Jennifer O’Malley, professor of biology, today, Jan. 29, 3:30-4:30 p.m. in Sangamon 1103.

This workshop will focus on how building relationships with students impacts motivation. The facilitator will begin by sharing several strategies they have implemented to build better rapport with their students and will discuss how these methods have impacted motivation. Participants will also have a chance to share approaches they use to build student rapport and brainstorm additional strategies to implement in the classroom.

Note: Faculty participants will receive one point toward their Training and Innovation professional development total for successful completion of this workshop.

Register for the Student Rapport and Motivation workshop.

Register for the “Finding Joy in the Work You Do” professional development event

Don’t miss this professional development opportunity, “Finding Joy in the Work You Do.”

Feb. 15, 2024, from 1-3 p.m. at the Trutter Center.

This two-hour program is designed to ignite a sense of joy in individuals within their daily work. This course delves into the power of finding fulfillment not just for oneself but also from the act of helping others. The program emphasizes the ripple effect of positivity, encouraging individuals to find joy not only in personal accomplishments but also in the impact they have on the well-being of their colleagues and the broader community.

The speaker is David Ziebler, CEO and founder of Ziebler & Associates, a company that offers coaching, training, and consulting services to help individuals and organizations achieve their goals.

To register email To see further information on this and other professional development events, visit the Staff Training and Development webpage.

Join a FREE NISOD Webinar today on Generative AI

From Now to Next: The Decade-Long Journey of Generative AI in Higher Education

Thursday, Jan. 25, 2024, from 3:30-5 p.m. Register for the webinar.

In today’s society as well as in academia, the integration of Generative AI into our daily tasks and current pedagogies is no longer a distant vision — it’s our present reality. This webinar offers a pragmatic exploration of how Generative AI tools, such as ChatGPT, could affect curriculum development, transform classrooms and enhance student experiences; provides practical applications of Generative AI, from streamlining daily tasks to guiding students’ learning; explores how anticipated advancements in Generative AI could change class design, facilitation and assessment of student learning; and addresses the pressing question of how educators can seamlessly embed Generative AI into their curricula while ensuring each course’s learning objectives are met.

Note: You will need to have a NISOD account to register for the webinar. If you do not have a NISOD account, you may create one using your LLCC email address.

AIeL hosting Canvas panel discussion today

Leveraging Canvas to Increase Instructor Presence and Student Engagement: A Panel Discussion

Wednesday, Jan. 24, 3:30-5 p.m. in the Robert H. Stephens Rooms
Register for panel discussion

Join LLCC Academic Innovation and eLearning for a dynamic panel discussion exploring the transformative potential of Canvas tools in fostering a more engaging and interactive learning environment for both online and face-to-face courses. Faculty panelists from across disciplines will share their insights and experiences on harnessing Canvas’s diverse features to establish a strong instructor presence, promote active learning, enhance student engagement and foster a sense of community. Whether you’re a seasoned Canvas pro or just starting out, you’ll gain valuable insights and practical strategies to elevate your teaching and create a more engaging learning experience for your students. Moderated by John Freml, director, faculty development.

Dr. Chris McDonald, professor, political science
Rebecca Miller, professor, psychology
Stacey Olson, professor, biology
Amy Strawn, assistant professor, criminal justice
Matthew Vespa, professor, mathematics

Faculty participants will receive two points toward their Training and Innovation professional development total for successful completion of this workshop.


Login instructions for this week’s Monday Morning Mentor presentation:
How Can I Prevent Plagiarism in the Artificial Intelligence Era?
Presentation date: Jan. 22, 2024 and on-demand for one week.

View the presentation and access the transcript, handouts and supplemental instruction material at:

NOTE: You will need to enter the following password to view this week’s program: artificial87

Access to the programs in the Monday Morning Mentor series is restricted to members of the subscribing institution. Any unauthorized use or access, including sharing access with faculty and staff not affiliated with the subscribing institution, is prohibited.

Academic Innovation & eLearning spring 2024 workshop lineup

Lincoln Land Community College Academic Innovation and e-Learning.LLCC’s Academic Innovation and eLearning team is excited to offer a new lineup of workshops this spring. This semester’s workshops focus on current topics in teaching and learning, including how to better utilize the Canvas learning management system and various interconnected technology tools, tips on incorporating an equitable and inclusive approach to teaching, innovative teaching strategies that encourage more active learning and how to better understand and support our students in their varied situations.

Again, this semester sessions are being offered in a variety of modalities to best fit your professional development needs and schedules. You can find the complete AIeL spring 2024 workshop schedule on the AIeL portal page.

This week’s Monday Morning Mentor from AIEL

Login instructions for this week’s Monday Morning Mentor presentation:
How Can I Become a Better Online Instructor?
Presentation date: Dec. 4, 2023, and on-demand for one week

View the presentation and access the transcript, handouts and supplemental material:

NOTE: You will need to enter the following password in order to view this week’s program: instructor842.

Access to the programs in the Monday Morning Mentor series is restricted to members of the subscribing institution. Any unauthorized use or access, including sharing access with faculty and staff not affiliated with the subscribing institution, is prohibited.