Generative AI in Education

More seats have been made available for faculty interested in Teaching With Artificial Intelligence. This self-paced, online course is presented by the Biggio Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning at Auburn University. Participants will earn an AI Explorer Badge from Auburn University.

In this self-paced online course, you will study the impact of the AI disruption of higher education continues to evolve and we are updating content as we learn more. This course represents a curated repository of inputs from a range of sources, disciplines, and stakeholders. The experiences, examples, and emphasis of the course is on faculty and students, and it is being created in collaboration with both. We do not position ourselves as experts on these matters, rather the course weaves expertise from a diverse range of faculty in order to provide a meaningful learning experience to a diverse range of learners. There are many interactive opportunities throughout the course to share your expertise and ideas. Our primary goal is to support you in thinking through the urgent questions that the AI disruption of higher education presents and to create opportunities for you to learn from and with others so that you are confident in supporting your students as we redesign our courses and navigate this shifting landscape together.

Register online for Teaching With Artificial Intelligence.