Student explore health professions through HELPrS

Three HELPrS participants in the lobby of a healthcare facility. Each one is holding a tote bag with the words Springfield Clinic on it. This was a gift given to them by the 2024 HELPrS program sponsor.The 2024 Healthcare Entry-Level Professional Skills (HELPrS) program wrapped up on June 20. HELPrS was sponsored by a generous donation from Springfield Clinic.

Participants had the opportunity to explore various health professions through the intensive two-week program designed to ignite their passion for health care. HELPrS provided an overview of college support services, health professions program information sessions and activities, and included job shadowing experiences at local health care facilities.

Participants offered very positive feedback about their experience as HELPrS. All students reported feeling more informed about the variety of health care educational and professional options. One participant shared, “Every high school should be in this program because it gives you firsthand experience [with] many medical careers.”

The 2024 HELPrS gained Stop the Bleed certification and are eligible for points toward health professions programs with competitive selection. All participants indicated they would recommend the program to other high school students.