Canvas Studio: Canvas Studio has been updated with a new feature related to video captions. Canvas has introduced automatically-generated captions for all media uploaded. This update eliminates the need to request captions for newly uploaded media files.
Canvas is Integrating Lucid Software Tools: Coming in June 2024, Canvas will be integrating Lucid Software tools into Canvas. This will allow for the creation of collaborative whiteboards, flowcharts, and diagrams. If you would like to know more about the tools, and what you can do with them in your courses, feel free to read the press release from Instructure (Canvas).
Canvas is adding a “Find and Replace” tool to the Rich Content Editor: On May 18, 2024, Canvas will be adding a “Find and Replace” tool to the rich content editor. This will allow users to search within their course content to find a word or phrase and replace it with another one.