Attend an Overview and Refresher of Reporting Obligations, Monday

Are you overwhelmed or confused about what you need to report when students disclose information to you? Do you want to learn more about how to support students who disclose that they may be experiencing discrimination and harassment, including sexual assault, domestic or dating violence and/or stalking? Come to this session for an overview of your reporting obligations and a refresher on how to support students in a trauma-informed way. Participants will also learn how to report these disclosures, and what support and resources are provided to students. Register online for this overview and refresher. Faculty participants will receive one point toward their Training and Innovation professional development total for successful completion of this workshop.

Monday, April 29, 3:30-4:30 p.m. in Sangamon 1103

Leslie Johnson, assistant vice president, student success
Kirsten Taylor, director, employment and benefits