April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month: Bystander Intervention Week

Sexual Assault Awareness MonthThis week we are focusing on bystander intervention. According to Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN), “[e]veryone has a role to play in preventing sexual assault and there are many different ways you can step up to make a difference, notably through bystander intervention. An active bystander is someone who interrupts a potentially harmful situation, especially when it comes to sexual violence. They may not be directly involved but they do have the choice and opportunity to speak up and intervene.”

This Thursday and Friday, April 11 and 12, from 9 a.m.-1 p.m., join Prairie Center Against Sexual Assault (PCASA) in A. Lincoln Commons to learn how you can be an active bystander.

Stay tuned for additional Sexual Assault Awareness Month programming.

  • Week of April 15 – Sexual Harassment Prevention
  • Week of April 22 – Supporting Sexual Assault Survivors

Additional information and resources on sexual assault are available on LLCC’s website. You may also email Leslie Johnson, interim compliance and prevention coordinator or call 217-786-2848.