Cybersecurity: Updating software

A Star is Born: Update Often

LLCC cybersecurity awareness campaign logo: Secure Your Screen. Shows five movie type posters.Welcome to Week 3! We see movies being remade constantly on the silver screen to stay relevant. Just like our favorite reboots, our software and apps want the latest and greatest updates to stay secure. These updates fix general software problems and provide new security patches where criminals might get in.

Please Note: When downloading a software update:

  • Only get it from the company that created it. Hacked, pirated or unlicensed software versions often contain malware and cause more problems than they solve.
  • Make sure the software or application you’re updating is approved by your organization. If you are unsure, please contact our team for more information.

It is advised to turn on automatic updates. When an update is available, it will give you a reminder so you can easily start the process.

Look for this week’s Secure Your Screen poster on bulletin boards around campus.

Thank you for removing our organization from the hackers’ cast list.