Loggers at Busch Stadium Sept. 3

Cardinals vs. Pittsburgh Pirates. sunday September 3rd, 1:15 p.m. Busch Stadium, St. Louis. LT Lincoln Trail College vs The Land Lincoln Land Community College. Sunday September 3rd, following 1:15 p.m. game.Get a group together and make plans to watch a St. Louis Cardinals baseball game followed by the Loggers playing Lincoln Trail College at Busch Stadium on Sept. 3!

Fifty right-field tickets will be available for faculty and staff (and a plus-one) on a first come, first served basis. There are 10 $50 tickets (200 level) and 40 $40 tickets (300 level) available. The $40 tickets include a free jumbo hot dog and soda. All fifty tickets include free transportation from campus to the game and back on a charter bus.

Tickets go on sale Aug. 1. Watch LincIn tomorrow for more details on how to purchase!