Paving on main campus

As an update to the ongoing paving on the main campus in Springfield:

  • Sealing the entirety of Lots 14, 17, 18 and drive/parking area south of Cass Gym has been completed. It is acceptable to drive on this new surface; however, it will not have any parking lot lines painted for a few weeks. Please make sure to park in an orderly manner if using any of these three lots in the coming weeks.
  • Replacing existing regulatory signs (stop, yield, turn, parking, etc.) has begun. Some signs have been removed, and some are yet to be removed. Please use caution as you navigate campus as the signage replacement is ongoing.

Please use caution and follow all construction traffic signs, cones/barrels and directions during this time. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Tim Ervin at 217-786-9605 or at