April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Throughout this week, we are focusing on the work research of Jennifer Hirsch and Shamus Khan documented in their book, “Sexual Citizens: A Landmark Study on Sex, Power and Sexual Assault” on campus.

In the prologue of the book, Hirsch and Shamus define their use of the term “sexual citizens,” indicating it:

… denotes the acknowledgment of one’s own right to sexual self-determination, and importantly, recognizes the equivalent right in others. Sexual citizenship isn’t something some are born with and others are born without. Rather, sexual citizenship is fostered, and institutionally and culturally supported …. We mean a socially produced sense of enfranchisement and right to sexual agency.

Sexual citizenship focuses attention on how some people feel entitled to others’ bodies, and others do not feel entitled to their own bodies. As a social goal, promoting sexual citizenship entails creating conditions that promote the capacity for sexual self-determination in all people, enabling them to feel secure, capable, and entitled to enact their sexual projects; and simultaneously insisting that all recognize others’ right to self-determination.” (Kindle version, page xvi)

Want to talk more about the research and the authors’ recommendations? Plan on attending a LLCC community discussion led by Dr. Karen Sisk on Thursday, April 13, 12:30-1:30 p.m. in A. Lincoln Commons and via Teams. Participants are encouraged to bring their lunches and a smart device to participate in an electronic conversation. Light snacks and water will be provided.

Additional information and resources on sexual assault are available on LLCC’s website. You may also contact Nikki Baker, compliance and prevention coordinator, at nikki.baker@llcc.edu or 217-786-3426.